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12 New Year's resolutions that are achievable

For many people, the new year also means all kinds of good intentions. Unfortunately, most of them stick to resolutions and don't carry them out because they are not feasible. That's why I have 20 good intentions today that are feasible and also enrich your life.

1. Spend more time with people who are worth it

This resolution can be tricky, especially since it means learning to say no every now and then. But then think:are the people you always want to please there for you through thick and thin? If your answer is no, then it's time to spend more time with people who are worthy and always behind you.

2. Make time for your partner

In line with the above:make some more time for your partner. In a time when husband and wife are both out of the house to work, the children have to be brought from one place to another, everyone has their hobbies and their own friends, it is very important to make time for each other. Even if your agenda has to come into play, plan quality time together. Provide a babysitter and enjoy each other. By the way, did you know that the first 7 years in a relationship are crucial?

3. Do your part for others

A good resolution that is easy to carry out:do your best for others. This can be done on a regular basis, but also spontaneously once in a while. It doesn't matter whether it's something big or small, it's about the gesture. Bring a bunch of flowers to a lonely elderly person, drive past the shelter and bring something for the dogs and cats there, help out at the local thrift store… Make something up and make the world just that little bit better.

4. Watch your health

A resolution that should really just be your lifestyle:pay attention to your health. Think of good, healthy food, drinking enough (especially water), but also things like the six-monthly check-up at the dentist. Do you get a call for a Pap smear? Don't miss out, but make that appointment, you better be there on time.

5. Me time

Great if you think about others, make time for people who really care about you and your partner, but also take care of me-time. That can be very difficult, especially if you are a hard-working mother, but it is necessary. Me-time does not have to take up a whole day. For example, make sure that you can use the bathroom undisturbed for half an hour. Read a book for 10 minutes every day, in short:do something for yourself that makes you happy.

6. Start budgeting

Whether you have to or just do it because it's convenient, budgeting always pays off. By keeping an overview of your income and expenses, you can learn to save. Saving means having money left over that you can use for other necessary or fun things. There are countless apps and ways to help you with that. Could you use more help? Then take a look at my fellow blogger Budget Diva Magazine.

7. Declutter and minimize

Did you know that the more stuff you have, the more stressed you can become? There are various methods to be found online about minimizing or decluttering. A good method if you have children, for example:if something new comes in (present) then at least 1 other item goes out. Go through all your closets and start cleaning up. Also make sure you have a neat wardrobe.

8. Be content and happy

A common mistake is that people say they will only be satisfied and happy if… But what if they don't? Therefore, learn to be content and happy regardless of the circumstances. That is not to say that you should throw your ambitions or wishes overboard, you can work towards them, but by being satisfied and happy with the here and now you take the pressure off and you can enjoy more. Enjoying small things helps a lot with this.

9. Pay more attention to your family

Build a closer relationship with your family. They are your relatives and your nearest and dearest. Maybe the relationship isn't what you'd like it to be, now is the time to change that. You don't have to walk into each other's doors:once a call, a nice card, an app or text message is enough. It's about the gesture. Especially if it concerns your parents, sister or brother, there may come a day when they are no longer there, keep that in mind before you regret it.

10. Distance yourself from social media

Nice, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and all other forms of social media. What was once meant to be social is now often no more than a way of dragging others through the mire. In addition, many people compare themselves with others, which creates a distorted self-image. Therefore, take some more distance from social media and spend that time on your partner, your family and people who care about you, then you are socially active.

11. From procrastination comes adjustment:do it immediately

A New Year's resolution:don't put things off any longer, do them right away. That can be that one annoying chore in the house or garden or something as simple as cleaning up your mailbox or answering emails. Stop procrastinating, start doing the things you normally would rather procrastinate. A list that you can check off works very well.

12. Make life just that little bit more fun

Life is serious enough already, the worries are often great and everything revolves around (survival) life. With this intention you can make life just that little bit more fun. How? Very simple:every now and then bring out the child in you. This can be done in all kinds of creative ways:dive into the ball pit with your child, take a piece of paper and start drawing (even if they are just stick figures), find a funny card and send it to an old classmate… Do something that makes you happy , something that makes your life less serious.

What do you think of the above 12 goals that are feasible? Are there any resolutions that you are going to add to your list or are you missing something? Let me know

*featured image Shutterstock