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Saving money as a family is something you do together

When you're a mother like me, sometimes it's just a matter of making ends meet. It is precisely because of this that my husband and I decided to pay more attention to our spending. In order to have a better overview, I bought a housekeeping book and we have decided to consult even better from now on if expenditure exceeds fifty euros. This would make it easier for us to keep money and save. For the future, for the study of our children and of course for a nice holiday. Curious how we did that? Then read on quickly.

A budget is not sexy, but an objective is!

Budgeting and saving money is not something that you get all family members on board with. But when you can set interesting and fun objectives in prospect, then it suddenly becomes very different. You can get your children to participate by telling them what they can achieve. Like a holiday abroad, a new bike or maybe even a car (when they are old enough). The more concrete the objective is, the easier it becomes to get all family members along. Especially when it comes to men, because they seem to know exactly why they are no longer allowed to buy certain things.

If you want to read more about budgeting and saving, take a look at the Nibud website.

Impulse buying out the door

Shopkeepers try to seduce us every day. They put gadgets on the shelves that we don't actually need and place a lot of products near the checkout that are often bought without any use for us. But it goes much further. Of course, buying a new barbecue is easier than repairing the old one and we all want a new car. But what happens if we don't? Impulse purchases often cost a lot of money. Postpone major purchases and sleep on it. Afraid of purchases in the store that you don't need at all? Bring a shopping list and the problem is solved!

Of course you can also take advantage of the sale with my special bargain calendar.

Put the capital to work

When you have saved fifty euros and you leave it for a year, the money has become worth less due to inflation (all products become more expensive, but your fifty euros remains fifty euros). You might also consider investing your money. That does not have to be directly stocks or Forex products. You can also choose a lower entry level and, for example, get started with cryptocurrencies (but first read about the possibilities, such as information about Bitcoin). When you see the savings grow a little each week, this only motivates you to save more in order to be able to put down a substantial amount.

M aak (be) save again attracteasy

Saving and saving are probably not things that you can always make your family happy with. But what happens when you can set goals that appeal to you and that make your children and husband happy? Then it immediately becomes a completely different story and you can achieve real results!

Should you still have to purchase certain items? Make sure you always get a discount on your purchases. How do you and your family save and what do you save for? Let me know in the comments.

*Featured image Pixabay