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Design and print your own magazine as a gift, annual report or company magazine

Are you looking for an original gift for wedding guests? Do you want to present your company in a fun way? Design and print your own magazine as a gift, annual report or company magazine

Design and print your own magazine as a gift, annual report or company magazine

Especially in this time it is difficult to organize large weddings or other events. Do you still want to draw attention to your company, wedding or anniversary in an original way? Then consider publishing magazines. The advantage of publishing a magazine is that you can still create connections from a distance. Moreover, you can tailor the magazine completely to your own wishes and requirements. Choose a size that suits the occasion, your budget and the desired look.

There are many options for designing a magazine. This applies not only to the outside and the inside, but especially to the design itself. For example, opt for a stapled edition if you want to publish a kind of magazine. Or opt for a wire-o binding if, for example, you want to publish a large annual report in a bound version.

Design and print magazines for individuals

Perhaps when you think of magazine printing, you mainly think of a company. As a company, you can of course choose to publish your annual report or other information about your company in magazine format. However, as a private individual you can also design a magazine and have it printed. Ideal if you are looking for an original gift for a wedding, a farewell or anniversary.

Many bridal couples choose to surprise their guests with a nice gift as a thank you for their presence. What could be more fun than a personally compiled magazine with photos and anecdotes of the bridal couple? You can do this as extensively as you want. Bet that this gift will be cherished by everyone?

Do you have an anniversary to celebrate? Have you reached a certain age, for example retirement age? Even then you can choose to make a magazine with all the highlights of your life. You can then hand this out as a gift to all those present at your birthday or farewell party.

Now with a view to the holidays, it's also a great idea to design a magazine as a gift. Especially if you have a large family and they may not all live in the country. You can send a magazine easily, quickly and on a low budget to any place on earth.

Reading tip:5 original gift ideas for women

Annual report, magazine or magazine published by companies

Whether your business is large or small, a company magazine can be a fun way to introduce customers and (new) employees to your company. You can design the magazine according to your own wishes with product news, introduction rounds from (new) colleagues, tips and much more. This will appeal to both customers and employees. Especially if you involve the latter in drawing up the magazine.

Of course there are many more reasons to choose to publish a magazine. For example, do you have a lot of people who need to receive the annual report? Then you can choose to link this annual report to a magazine. That way you can communicate news, goals for the coming year, etc. in a fun way.

The possibilities are endless and everything can be tailored to your wishes and ideas, so that it completely matches the company objectives.

Have you ever designed and published a magazine or magazine? As a private person or company?