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Does an age difference in a relationship work or not?

Age is just a number, isn't it? That you run into various problems with an age difference in a relationship, that often turns out to be the conclusion.

It sounds so cliché; age doesn't matter in love. But is that really the case? In practice, in my opinion, you will encounter differences when you are in a relationship with someone who is much older or younger than you. What can you encounter and can the age difference in a relationship be bridged? I looked up some things for you.

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The perfect age difference in a relationship

A British study shows that there is a perfect age difference. That is, four years and four months. A note to be made here:the man must be older than the woman. Most women prefer a mature man over the younger one. Less than 1 percent believe that a younger man can ensure a good relationship.

Judgments of the outside world

Whatever your choice may be, the outside world has usually already made its decision. Because do we see a much older man with a younger woman? Right, then we quickly think that it must have to do with money and that she is a real 'gold digger'. He is often referred to by women as a 'dirty old man', but many other men will look at him with a respectful look. Like, he's done that nicely.

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A Cougar

You see a hype among artists. The word "cougar" in particular seems to be popping up more and more. A cougar is a woman over forty and often successful with a good career. They like the somewhat younger men, also called 'toyboys' and have a sexual relationship with them.

It is clear that these women in question often know what they want. Both sexually and for the rest of their lives. They are economically independent of a man. Interestingly, famous women with a younger man in particular are on the rise these days. Think, for example, of Madonna and our own Patricia Paay.

This situation is diametrically opposed to the situation in 'normal' society, in which men more often seem to prefer a younger lady.

Age difference in a relationship, due to advantages and disadvantages

A romantic relationship is when there is mutual attraction, shared interest, understanding, humor, sense of responsibility and social norms. You seem to be able to bridge a lot with surrender and understanding.

What is important is what age phase you are in and whether you have the same experience and interests. The smaller the differences, the greater the chance of success within a relationship.

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Possible disadvantages of an age difference

What could be an issue with the age difference in a relationship is, for example, the desire to have children, he feels too old while she would like to see him as a father. The other way around, the problem is more difficult if she is too old but he actually wants children.

You can also think of differences in entrepreneurial spirit, stamina, health problems and the like. Statistically, the older partner is more likely to be 'burdened' by this than the younger one.

Advantages of an age difference

In turn, both an older and a younger partner have advantages. Older partners, for example, have more life experience and often give a sense of security. A younger partner can in turn stimulate you to gain new experiences and keep you more energetic and younger in mind.

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You will complement each other with daily conversations, sharing tasks and quality time together is certainly an important point (not only when the ages differ!).

Now, of course, every relationship is unique. What doesn't work for someone else, may work for you! As long as you connect with each other, in my opinion, an age difference should not be a problem.

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