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The secret to weight:why does it work?

The secret to weight:why does it work?

You have certainly heard of the Secret of Weight , this method presented as revolutionary which helps to lose weight without prohibitions, without frustrations, without hunger and without guilt!
I can already see you smiling, and saying to yourself:"but of course, and the Groundhog, she wraps the chocolate in the aluminum foil!" “Well, whether you believe it or not, the LSDP method or The Secret to Weight really does allow you to lose weight without depriving yourself of the foods you enjoy. We can't even talk about a diet because in fact everything is allowed as long as you respect a certain number of calories. Let us explain.

Contents 1 The LSPD app 2 The Secret to Weight concept 2.1 **** 2.2 Who has already tested the Secret to Weight? How much have you lost?


To start the The Secret of Weight method, you should download the free application to your smartphone or tablet. available on iPhone and Android. The app, very girly in its shades of pink, is very user-friendly and we immediately take great pleasure in navigating through the different menus. The The secret of weight application is neither more nor less than an interactive adaptation of the book of the same name by Florence Delorme, inventor of the method. The book can be purchased on the internet at an average price of 19 euros. Even if everything is noted in the application, it may be interesting to get the book to put the principle in mind. Nothing prevents you once you have mastered the subject perfectly from reselling your book on a second-hand site or on one of the many Facebook groups LSPD. You will find a buyer with certainty as the method is so successful.

The secret to weight:why does it work?

The Secret of Weight concept

As we said before, The Secret to Weight method is not a diet, it is rather an art of juggling calories.
Florence Delorme built her method on the principle that our body needs 1800 calories a day and on the idea that every kilo to lose represents a debt of 7000 calories. Thus, a person who has 10Kg to lose therefore has a debt of 7000 calories x 10, or 70,000 calories.
Therefore, when you start the method, you must enter the number of kilos you believe you have to lose. This indicates the calorie debt you are going to have to repay to reach your goal weight.

The secret to weight:why does it work?

Every day, you will have to record in the application the food you ingest and in what quantity, this will instantly give you the number of calories you have consumed. A gauge shows you throughout the day the progress of your calorie consumption, and a small character named Flo reminds you to order if she catches you consuming too many calories at the start of the day. This is the fun side of the app. The daily goal is to consume no more than 1800 calories per day. If you consume fewer calories in a day, you lose weight and the number of calories saved is deducted from your initial debt. If you consume more than 1800 calories, you no longer lose weight and in addition, you increase your calorie debt to repay. At that point, the little character of Flo gives way to an ebony-skinned mastiff who comes to "shake your fleas" to lecture you and put you back on the right track!

The secret to weight:why does it work?

Having to write down all the foods on your interface may seem overwhelming at first, but the application is so user-friendly that you will go faster and faster to enter your data. As the days and weeks go by, you will discover, sometimes with surprise, the caloric value of certain foods for which you were certain that they were harmless for your figure. And vice versa:foods you thought were high in calories are not, and that's for your greatest pleasure.

As long as the application is free, and as long as the method is not restrictive and dangerous to health because it does not produce a deficiency, you lose nothing by trying. The feedback is very positive and as proof, you can consult the LSPD groups on Facebook where there are many testimonials from Internet users who have reached their weight goal.


Who has ever tested the weight secret? How much did you lose?