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Manual or electric baby nose cleaner? How to choose ?

Manual or electric baby nose cleaner? How to choose ?

Does your little blond head have a cold? Clutter doesn't allow him to get a good night's sleep and he's nervous during the day? Whether for adults or children, the common cold is really not pleasant. However, while adults know how to blow their nose and "declutter" easily, your toddler can only count on you. Every mom knows the good old method of saline solution still practiced in some maternity wards. But, however, it is difficult to achieve without training, and many parents turn to baby flies, more practical means of relieving the infant. However, even if there is the good old "pear to suck" or the method of oral suction, the baby nasal aspirator has evolved a lot, to move towards the electric.

Contents 1 The manual baby nasal aspirator 1.1 Its advantages? 1.2 Its weak points? 2 The electric baby nasal aspirator 2.1 Its advantages? 2.2 Its disadvantages? 2.3 Are you manual baby blower or electric baby blower?

But between the two how to choose? What is the most effective method and what are the different advantages of these two techniques? Overview of current baby flies!

The manual baby nose blower

Pear-shaped or mouth-shaped, the manual baby nose blower is widely used today.

Its benefits?

Manual in the shape of a pear to suck, it is possible to blow your baby's nose easily and without the risk of damaging the nasal mucous membranes. Buccal, it allows stronger aspiration and better clearance.

Also inexpensive, these two forms of manual baby flies can be found everywhere, both in pharmacies and in supermarkets. In addition to a nasal wash product, they allow baby to blow their nose easily without any risk.

Its weak points?

The bulb suction system no longer appeals to many people today and is not necessarily very effective against oral baby flies.

This can put off some mothers who do not see their toddler's secretions removed through their mouth, despite the presence of a filter. In this same case, the suction can also be performed too strongly and risk injuring your baby's blood vessels and causing him to bleed from the nose.

The last weak point would be hygiene:you have to automatically repeatedly wash the baby fly of secretions. Even if the oral baby nose fly is generally sold in addition to disposable filters, it is important to wash the device well before inserting it into the child's nose and to use the appropriate nasal wash products beforehand.

Manual or electric baby nose cleaner? How to choose ?

The electric baby blower

The electric baby nose cleaner is today the model that is certainly the most unanimous among parents of toddlers with colds. It is practical and very functional, and removes a very large number of nasal secretions. This baby nose fly incorporates a battery-powered motor. As soon as you place the nozzles on the nostrils and press the on/off button, it works immediately to suction and remove even the most stubborn mucus gently.

Its benefits?

In terms of efficiency, it is clear that the electric baby aspirator does not have many competitors and appeals to many parents. It aspirates nasal residue and cleans baby's nostrils . There are also all sizes at totally affordable prices (about ten euros for the first prices). Therefore, you will necessarily find the model that suits you best and that will be adapted to your little blonde head.

Its disadvantages?

Conversely, it must be recognized that the electric baby nose cleaner is relatively noisy. Of course, there are models that are quieter than others, but in this case you have to pay more money. It is not excluded that this electric baby fly scares your infant (which is legitimate by the way!). Do not hesitate to inquire about various models to buy the right device, since they are not all efficient. Also think carefully about hygiene, which is just as important as with a classic baby nose cleaner.

So manual or electric? Whether it's one or the other, or not at all, think about your hand hygiene before and after decluttering baby's nostrils. And above all, don't forget that baby needs to be reassured before "nosing". Otherwise, he risks being frightened and not letting himself go and it could hurt him. The best way ? Adapt to baby, and take it easy!


Are you manual baby fly or electric baby fly?

Manual or electric baby nose cleaner? How to choose ?