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Baby:How to relieve teething?

Baby:How to relieve teething?

Baby cries, fusses, gets nervous quickly, no longer sleeps? Your little darling's butt is sore and he's running a fever? All of these symptoms are possibly due to and can be related to teething. So when cuddles from mom and dad aren't enough to calm your toddler down, think about using the different methods to relieve teething pain!

Contents 1 First effective strategy:gingival massage. 2 Refrigerated pacifier or teething ring 3 Granules or homeopathy pods 4 The amber necklace 5 Relaxation 6 So what will be your trick for relieving teething pain? 6.1 How did you manage to relieve your children's teething? Baby:How to relieve teething?

But what are they? Focus on these essential little tips for well as for parents!

First effective strategy:gingival massage.

During the growth of the first teeth (often between 0 and 2 years old), your little one suffers atrociously. The pain is quickly unbearable for them and the reactions can quickly disturb their nights, their body or even their appetite. Even if this passage is obligatory and is a fad, it is sometimes necessary, according to the pain and according to the children, to apply a special gel, designed for irritation of the gums in children. Often based on natural and non-harmful plants such as chamomile, saffron, essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus, sage or myrrh, these gels are soothing and decongestant.

Only one gingival gel on the market is based on local anesthetic:Dolodent , very well known to mothers for a long time.

Just take a dab of gel on the tip of your previously cleaned and dried index finger and then lightly massage your baby's gums, pressing on the painful parts.

This application should be renewed periodically in order to relieve baby as often as possible!

Refrigerated pacifier or teething ring

If your cherub already knows how to squeeze an object in his little fingers, do not hesitate to offer him a pacifier or a refrigerated teething ring. Cold has the virtue of locally and temporarily anesthetizing pain. It is therefore useful for teething. Your little one will be able to "chew" and bite into their ring or pacifier whenever they want, and can relieve teething when they need it.

This trick can be used in addition to other products, and your baby will wake up at the same time in contact with these playful, colorful and practical "toys"!

Homeopathy granules or pods

Also well known to moms and often widely used, homeopathy can work miracles on your little darlings. In granules or pods, homeopathy can be found in pharmacies and is 100% natural. Proven and effective method, it is important to indicate that it must be used temporarily in children, on a regular basis.

Attention ! Not all children are receptive to this trick, so if it doesn't relieve your baby, don't panic! Other more effective methods may work for him!

The amber necklace

Very controversial, this method still has some followers. Without being truly scientifically proven, this trick of the amber necklace remains. Amber stone is said to have properties allowing it to regulate energies, play on moods and improve blood circulation. It is also credited with soothing virtues against teething. However, even if many parents praise its virtues, caution is in order:there are strong risks of ingestion or strangulation. It is therefore important to watch your baby when he wears it, and to get an amber necklace that complies with the legislation in force.


To help baby forget his pain for a few minutes, it's up to you to use your imagination. Offer him a massage in a dimly lit room before bedtime, a bath or simply special cuddling moments with mom or dad, for example. These moments of relaxation will allow him to relax and focus on something other than his dental pain!

So what will be your tip for relieving teething pain?

The first teeth appear, according to children, usually between the fourth and seventh month. However, teething continues until your child is 2 years old or even longer! It is therefore essential to resort to some of these methods (and the ones that work best for you!) to relieve your cherub. Obligatory passage of the life of a baby, the pains can be more or less strong. It's up to you to judge what is best for your child, and to adopt one or more methods depending on your baby! Often very natural, these tips are not harmful and remain great allies. In case of severe pain, do not hesitate, on the advice of your doctor or pediatrician, to administer doses of paracetamol with caution.

Baby:How to relieve teething?

It's up to you...but don't forget:your presence and attention can also be the best way to reassure baby and show him that he is not alone in the face of his pain! Mom and Dad's hugs are sometimes the best medicine! And after arrival, there is the problem of brushing your teeth …


How did you manage to relieve your children's teething?

Baby:How to relieve teething?