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Swaddling baby:is it really useful?

Swaddling baby:is it really useful?

An ancestral practice that is coming back into fashion, swaddling is now raising questions among all new mothers. Proven or not, this method dating from Antiquity knows its followers and its opponents. However, above all for the well-being of baby, it is important to ask the right questions. What are the benefits of swaddling and its drawbacks? Are there any risks?

Contents 1 Swaddling baby? What does it mean ? 2 The benefits of swaddling for babies 3 The disadvantages and risks associated with swaddling 4 Video how to swaddle babies:4.1 ****And you, what do you think of swaddling? 4.2 Have you opted for it for your child?

We shed some light on this practice from another time, which today appeals to many parents but which opposes so many.

Baby swaddling? What does that mean?

Restrict his movements during the night so that they do not interfere with his sleep? No, it's not that crazy, and according to some customs or beliefs in the world, this method has proven itself.
Indeed, by wrapping your baby in a tight fabric, without squeezing him too tightly, using a blanket or a soft diaper, we help him to calm down and therefore, to find his sleep. faster and more serenely. This method would have the gift of reassuring the infant during the first phases of falling asleep, and throughout the night when their nervous movements or normal agitation for a baby, could affect the quality of his sleep. Indeed, if we push a little further, in the belly of his mother, the child was cramped. Each gesture made him touch the walls of the uterus. Baby would therefore be less "lost" and would regain primary sensations.

To meditate!

The benefits of swaddling for babies

Swaddling baby:is it really useful?

Swaddling can allow baby to rediscover those calming sensations he experienced during the 9 months he was in his mother's womb. Soothing would therefore be ideal during bedtime and mainly at night.

It is also an excellent remedy for colic. Reassured and controlled, your baby cries less and his little worries and various infant ailments quickly disappear.

As for the advantages that we find to satisfy parents, it is that they do not have to worry about whether baby risks getting cold when getting out of his sleeping bag by dint of moving.

The disadvantages and risks associated with swaddling

Swaddling baby would make him very hot, and even too hot, which would then be dangerous, knowing that a baby's room should not exceed 19 to 20°C.
To avoid the risk of excessive heat, it is important to take into account the fact that your infant is swaddled. There is no need to cover baby too much for his night. In summer, for example, a simple short-sleeved bodysuit is enough if your little blond head is swaddled.
For non-followers of this method and fierce opponents, the highest risk remains that of suffocation. It is often said that it is best not to use a blanket as such for a very young infant. If it ends up on baby's nose, it can quickly prevent him from breathing. Some will therefore say that it is the same thing with the swaddling blanket:if it loosens and covers your toddler's face, there is a high risk of suffocation. However, this risk is extremely limited as long as a special blanket dedicated to swaddling the baby is used.
To be certain of acting in complete safety, it is therefore recommended to use a blanket sold exclusively for the purpose of swaddling baby and installing your child in it, following the instructions provided in the instructions for use to the letter. the cover. In addition, as soon as the child can turn over on his own, stop using the swaddling blanket (between 4 and 6 months depending on the child).
In general, even if this practice is very controversial today, nothing prevents you, if you are seduced by the benefits of swaddling, from testing this method during naps only at first. So this can give you an idea, and you can see if it suits your toddler.
In any case, the main thing is to respect baby's well-being, giving him serenity and peace of mind for his very first nights. Whatever the method, nothing is more important than the arms of mom and dad, and the assurance of being reassured before bedtime!

Video how to swaddle baby:

And you, what do you think of swaddling?

Did you choose it for your child?

Swaddling baby:is it really useful?