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Composition of Lotus Baby nappies!

Composition of Lotus Baby nappies!

Lotus Baby communicates the composition of its safe diapers for babies!

Contents 1 Lotus Baby communicates the composition of its safe nappies for babies! 2 Lotus Baby diapers are safe. 3 Layers tested by independent laboratories and experts. 4 Lotus Baby:a brand with a real ecological approach! 5 What criteria do you take into account when choosing nappies?

The Lotus Baby brand, freshly arrived on the French market, has always been transparent about the composition of its nappies and panties. One more step will soon be taken by displaying it on its packages.

For me, the lotus baby nappies are of very good quality!

Lotus Baby diapers are safe.

The hygiene brand Lotus Baby is very concerned about the well-being of babies. Several years of Research &Development were needed to find the ideal composition of Lotus Baby Touch nappies and briefs. The brand wanted to reconcile optimal protection, infinite comfort and softness and above all a safe composition.

Since its launch, the Lotus Baby brand has communicated the details of the composition of its nappies and panties on its website. All the materials that make up Lotus Baby Touch diapers are explained transparently on the page so as not to hide anything from consumers. From September 2018, the composition of the diapers will be directly mentioned on the packages.

“Young parents are concerned about the well-being of their babies, they attach great importance to the products they choose for their children. It is therefore important for us to offer consumers, on the one hand, safe products, and on the other hand, full transparency regarding the composition of our products.” explains Véronique Blot, Lotus Baby Marketing Manager

Diapers tested by independent laboratories and experts.

Composition of Lotus Baby nappies!

To guarantee a safe composition, the brand has chosen not to content itself with in-house tests:migration analyzes carried out by the National Testing Laboratory (LNE)*, an independent laboratory, do not reveal the presence of any harmful substance. The brand has also decided to have its products assessed by an independent toxicologist, Professor Masson, founder of the EVIC biological research and experimentation group. He also attested to the safety of Lotus Baby Touch nappies:
“All of the investigations I have carried out lead to the conclusion that Lotus Baby nappies do not themselves present any foreseeable risk in terms of safety and can be used by the target population according to the advice recommended by the manufacturer.”

Respect for baby's skin is at the center of Lotus Baby's concerns:all materials in contact with the skin are dermatologically tested and the nappies do not contain lotion or perfume. The brand has also called on an independent organization, Skin Health Alliance, which works for the health of the skin, to certify and accredit the composition of its diapers.

Lotus Baby:a brand with a real ecological approach!

The cellulose pulp inside Lotus Baby Touch nappies and pants is FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) certified and therefore comes from responsibly and sustainably managed forests. By ensuring that its raw material comes from responsible sources, Lotus Baby participates in the conservation and restoration of natural ecosystems, the protection of endangered species and the respect of local populations.

Lotus Baby Touch nappies and panties are also EU Ecolabel certified. To obtain this certification, demanding criteria must be met. In particular, the products must not contain perfume or substances classified as toxic by the European Union. The diapers must also have a minimum impact on the environment:for example, strict limitations are imposed in terms of CO2 emissions and the amount of waste generated during production.

“We are very proud to have obtained Ecolabel certification. This certification attests to the concrete efforts we make to reduce the impact of our nappies and panties on the environment. Being a responsible and committed brand is important for the future of babies!” says Estelle Vaconsin, Quality and Sustainable Development Manager at Essity France

All Lotus Baby nappies and panties are produced by Essity factories:the brand does not use subcontractors. This allows him to have complete control of the production process.

In short, the composition of Lotus Baby diapers guarantees:

  • Materials in contact with the skin, dermatologically tested
  • No elemental chlorine bleaching
  • Unscented and lotion-free diapers
  • Diapers accredited by Skin Health Alliance, and therefore by independent dermatologists
  • FSC-certified cellulose wadding, from responsibly managed forests
  • EU Ecolabel certified nappies which therefore have a minimum impact on the environment
  • Diapers that comply with European Union product safety directives

*LNE test report E12546 – ​​Study of chemical substances in baby diapers by extraction with solvent on the one hand and release into artificial urine on the other. Analyzes were performed on Lotus Baby Touch size 3 diapers.


What criteria do you take into account when choosing layers?

Composition of Lotus Baby nappies!