I am participating in a carnival of articles on the theme of baby food with other bloggers, to find out more it is here:blog2mamans.
Contents 1 Small industrial pots:what do they really contain? 2 Small homemade pots:how not to forget anything? 2.1 Pros:2.2 Cons:3 What are the advantages/disadvantages of homemade baby food? 3.1 Pros:3.2 Cons:3.3 **** 3.4 Are you more into home or industrial pots or just both? Give your moms opinion?
Here we go ! You have started to diversify your little darling's diet. However, do you still worry about whether to make your own little purées, or whether it is better to buy from the manufacturer? Controversial subject, but intensely rich, we too have asked ourselves the question of the great gap between these two propositions? What's best for baby? Nutrient-dense, are industrial jars all good stuff? How to go about doing it yourself? Are there any risks? A quick focus on baby food:good or bad?
Industrial jars:what do they really contain?
Healthy for baby or not? That is the question ! Even if the subject is richly controversial at the moment and that we find the team of parents "for" and the team of parents "against", it is still really difficult to position oneself. Small industrial pots are made above all for so-called "lazy" parents, in a hurry or to help out. And watch out! Depending on the brand, not all of them are "too salty" or "too greasy".

Yes, some baby food jars are also a full-fledged alternative to home-cooked meals. You should know that European standards for baby food are very strict. Their production is subject to strict and very regular, even permanent controls. So don't panic, for parents who might feel guilty! Not everything in industrial pots is "bad" and these really are a real alternative
Homemade jars:how not to forget anything?
You have time to prepare Junior's purees. And it is to your credit that you want him to taste fresh products. However, many parents ask themselves this question:am I not forgetting anything? Indeed, depending on the age of the child, the dosages of meat, for example, must be respected and when we do it ourselves, it is easy to get overwhelmed. Also, don't panic! Tons of recipe books specially designed for babies abound on the shelves of bookstores. You can even find it on the web. So nothing could be easier than concocting and simmering small dishes for babies, with all the ingredients necessary for their proper development.

What are the advantages/disadvantages of small industrial pots?
- Between work, shopping, trips to and from the sports club of your eldest and housekeeping, you lose your Latin. So you don't necessarily have the time or the desire to cook. This is where small industrial pots come in and can therefore easily save the day. Think about it!
- Vitamins are much better preserved in sterilized, vacuum-packed jars than in homemade jars. No risk of bacteria (if it hasn't been opened of course) and the taste is much better for baby when properly stored!
- Fresh foods sometimes don't come close in terms of quality:the little jars guarantee hormone-free meat, they don't contain pesticides and are fortified with vitamins and minerals. And that is useful information! So even if you pay attention to your fresh vegetables during your market can you be 100% sure that there are no chemicals? Small industrial jars means without preservatives or colorings, or all those toxic things that we hate. Fresh products are not subject to this European rule since they are not intended exclusively for babies. Something to think about!
- The taste is not the best:indeed, often the "too salty" effect predominates even if this is not necessarily the case. The taste of vegetables is also very often masked by other preparations and mixtures, and baby will not be able to tell the difference later between the taste of a single vegetable and a puree mixture. So watch out!
- They can make baby "addicted". It is often noticed that babies who tend to eat a lot of small industrial jars find it difficult to do without them and to switch to the so-called "normal" food afterwards. Another story of tastes!
- They are expensive! Indeed, depending on the brands, small industrial pots are not cheap and sometimes constitute a real budget.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of homemade potties?
- Made with passion and a love of fresh produce! Indeed, unlike small industrial jars, the taste is undeniable here! In the small homemade jars we find a natural and authentic flavor:that of fruits and vegetables selected with all your love for your toddler! We awaken baby to their taste and obviously, that of his potty is much better. We can offer baby all the flavors we want, without having to limit ourselves to "standard" small jars, even if today industrial brands have made a huge effort on the variety of their preparations. Homemade? So have fun and give baby a taste of fennel, leeks, turnips and other cabbage and zucchini! You decide!
- Another advantage with a homemade potty:You can choose the texture yourself, according to your baby's preferences. So he will certainly eat better if he does not like the pieces or if on the contrary he prefers them!
- You can easily adapt your preparation according to what your baby likes or dislikes. The elaborate dishes can be frozen and taken out as you go, according to your needs. Handy!
- Their price? A major advantage! They are more economical since you choose the ingredients to prepare yourself! At a low price, baby can eat what he wants, while having the required nutritional values.
- Time! Indeed, to prepare small homemade pots, you need it! For washing, peeling, preparing and cooking baby's meal. Even if today tons of multi-cooker robots or mixers are sold on the baby market, vegetables and fruits do not cut and cook themselves yet! So temporarily overbooked moms? Go on your way!
- You must have a good knowledge of the baby's needs according to his age:it is essential not to be mistaken about the dosages, in meat for example. Are you the stressed type? Use the many online guides on the Net to guide you or ask your doctor for advice!
So convinced? According to your profile, your needs and those of your dear toddler, nothing is defined! You can very well alternate the two, industrial pots/home pots in order to satisfy you when necessary, without feeling guilty! Baby will quickly learn to recognize tastes and their taste buds will develop without any worries as they age! Follow your instincts and above all…stay Zen!
Are you more into home or industrial pots or just both? Give your moms opinion?