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How many children do you invite to a birthday party?

Not so long ago I wrote a blog about the best children's party ideas. It turns out that's not surprising, because people from Brabant can enjoy it, celebrate parties 😉 . For example, the research below shows what Kaartje2go recently conducted about inviting children to a birthday party. They investigated in which provinces the most children are invited to a birthday party and made a super nice infographic.

Are you about the average for your province when you look at the number of children you invite to a children's party?

Table of Contents

Invite children to a birthday party

I think it's a fun study, so I'd like to list what it's like to invite children to a birthday party.

Children from Brabant celebrate the biggest children's parties

Of all the provinces in the Netherlands, birthday girls from Brabant invite the most children to their children's party. This is evident from the more than 150,000 orders for birthday party invitations.

North Brabant children send an invitation to their party to an average of 13.5 friends. And with 6.8 invitations, children from the province of Groningen ask the fewest children at their birthday party.

The municipalities have also pitted them against each other. The municipality of Zeist is the leader of all municipalities in sending invitations. They invite an average of 21.5 children for their birthday! The smallest parties are celebrated in Assen, with 5.6 children.

Fewer invitations per birthday party than 'before'

It is striking that girls invite more children than boys do. On average, girls invite 12 children per party, compared to almost 11 children at boys' parties. The number of invitees also decreases every year. In 2016, 12.8 more children were invited. At the start of 2018, that was one child less, with 11.8 children per birthday party. 

The lice mother and birthday parties

In the comedy series De Luizenmoeder, students are no longer allowed to hand out their invitations in the schoolyard. How is it at your school? Our policy is that you may hand out the invitations in the schoolyard, but not in the classroom. However, at some schools it is not allowed in the schoolyard, just like at De Luizenmoeder.

But we don't seem to follow this "birthday protocol." More than 60% of the year-olds still order a package with cards to hand out at school or to deliver. A third of the children send their invitations directly to the recipients. I would find the latter quite difficult myself, I don't even think I have all the addresses. Do you?

Invite children and then?

What does not come up in the research, but what I am also curious about is not only how they invite children to a birthday party, but also what is 'normal' in that invitation.

  • Is such an invitation often with or without food?
  • Will the children be taken home after the birthday party or do you have to pick them up?

In most cases, we bring them home with a full stomach. Would that also be 'Brabants' or is that also the case with you? And are you going to make the birthday invitations yourself or will you also order them online?

About Ticket2go

Map2go is one of the largest map webshops in the Netherlands. The company was founded in 2006 and sends out more than 10 million cards a year, including birthday cards, birth announcements and invitations.

Shutterstock photo of birthday party by  Harbachova Yuliya