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Checkpad:the day planner for children that encourages independence

Children:you get them as a helpless baby. And 18 years later you try to drop them off at a student house as independently as possible. What should be done in the meantime? A lot. And we're not just talking about 'major developments'. Of course swimming diplomas have to be obtained and there will be a first day of school. But there are also a lot of small tasks that you will have to make your child own. Think:combing hair, getting dressed, brushing teeth, washing hands, making a sandwich, putting on shoes, buttoning a coat. The daily routine, so to speak. Do you also have to ask your child 100 times to get dressed? Then the Checkpad, a day planner for children, is certainly an asset to your family.

Especially if you - like so many other mothers - start talking louder and louder during the morning routine to get through to your children. Or if - even though you really get up on time - you finally start to scream nervously that they all have to hurry because otherwise you will be late.

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Educating:a day job

Some children have a great need for routine. However, it usually doesn't come to them. Not even if they really need it themselves. Routine does not come by itself, just like independence. You need a mother for that 😉 . Do you also follow your kids all day long? “Put on your coat, walk the dog, wash your hair”. As a mother, you sometimes seem more like a commander of the armed forces. And that doesn't feel good. In addition, it is not good for your child's autonomy at all!

Many moms are actually a walking day planner for kids. Would you rather outsource that task? Then we have a handy gadget:the Checkpad. A day planner for kids, which stimulates the independence of your blaring. So that in the end you don't have to ask anything at all.

Recently Joyce attended a meeting about this children's day planner. We are happy to tell you what this Checkpad can do for you.

Day planner for children:the Checkpad

Every morning and evening it's that time again. There is a whole pile of tasks waiting. And not just on mom and dad. A lot has to be done secretly with the sprouts too. Have you showered yet? Have the teeth been brushed? And has the rabbit been fed? So much to do; That's a real challenge for some kids. They lose the overview. That's why a day planner for kids isn't a bad idea at all. This way they can see at a glance what is expected of them. And, also nice:you can 'tick off' tasks that have been done.

With the new day planner for children, the Checkpad, your children can keep an overview. Sounds tempting doesn't it? Are you also tired of having to control your kids all the time? And do you get the idea that it doesn't really make them more independent? Then try the Checkpad.

What does the checkpad do for you?

Good. Time to take a look at what this handy gadget actually entails. The day planner for children is a tool for children and parents. To ease morning and evening routines. And make sure that in a while - hopefully - you no longer need a planner. After all, the idea of ​​routine is that it happens fairly naturally. So it's a good goal.

The Checkpad is a small 'device' that comes with 54 magnets. On those magnets are tasks, depicted with clear illustrations. Together with your child you determine which magnets you will use on the Checkpad. Think about what your child could use help with. Which he often forgets. By having these tasks carried out via the day planner for children, your child has support without you having to intervene in this every time. This promotes autonomy.

Have the toys been cleaned up? Check! Then your mini-me slides the wheel behind that task from colored (still has to be) to white (done!). In the evening you turn the Checkpad over and the tasks of the evening immediately appear.

In this way, the Checkpad makes it easier to perform tasks, promotes your child's autonomy, saves you time, reduces stress and creates a more pleasant atmosphere at home!

Who is the Checkpad suitable for?

For children aged 3 to 12 years. But also for children who actually need a little more structure than other children. For very busy children who cannot remember several tasks. For children who like to be independent and in this way have an extra bit of support. And so on. The Checkpad is actually suitable for every child.

And is this day planner no longer necessary for the morning and evening tasks? Then you can also use it for other chores for children.

Funny, such a planner

The Checkpad is available at the Geschijn web shop for €24.95. In red and blue. You will then receive the magnets. Includes four blank magnets, on which you can set your own tasks with a CD marker. You get some magnets double, so you can use them both in the morning and in the evening. There are handy, clear symbols on the magnets. That is why this day planner for children can also be used by very young kids.

Tip:Don't give the little ones more than 8 tasks. Otherwise they will still have a (obscure) day job.