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Order books through Studers? A breeze!

Need books for your next school year? Nowadays you can easily order your books at Studers! Keep in mind that Studers is specifically for MBO books and licenses. You buy your books there new or second-hand. You can make that choice yourself when selecting your books during your order.

Table of Contents

A book fair versus ordering books from Studers

My goodness, how much has changed over time. Back in the day (and no… not everything was better in the old days) we had a book fair at school. Then you drew lots and when it was your turn you could choose your books for the next school year at the book fair. With a bit of bad luck you were one of the last to turn and there were only half-disintegrated books. What a drama that could be.

The way in which students can obtain their books these days is much better organized. For the MBO you can order books from Studers. And probably somewhere else too 😉 , but we were tipped for Studers through the school system. In fact… there are just links between our school system and the Studers website. † Nice and easy, although that book fair also had a bit of its charm.

Book fair part of education?

I have the idea that the book fair used to be part of the upbringing. I had to go to school myself at a certain time to choose those books. And I think I had to pay there too, but to be honest I'm not sure anymore. This was in high school, by the way, not high school. But I can still remember that I always found that very exciting. However, there was no escaping it.

Order books in the current time, from Studers or elsewhere

Nowadays it is the case that you can order your books. But I notice that we automatically did that for our adolescent (just like covering books). And what do they actually learn from that? So nothing at all. Yet this year I arranged for him to order the MBO books from Studers again. Although I did pull him in for a while, but I think it went in one ear and out the other. I have now also decided that I will let him do it himself next year. And then I just pay the bill back to him.

Students; for ordering MBO books

Ordering the books is also really well organized. After logging in and creating an account, you can choose your own study and year of study as shown above. After clicking on the 'continue' button, you will immediately see the full list of learning materials. It contains all the books you need for the coming school year, and any licenses you need to purchase for the digital lessons in this school year.

It's a matter of ticking the box and you can put everything in your shopping cart. Pay, and you're done!

Why order the books from Studers?

For me convenience comes first I must say. In addition, I think it is important that I have exactly the books that are recommended. This list of resources is determined by the teachers. This way you know for sure that you order the books you really need.

They are also easily accessible for questions. I have spotted one small drawback. The resource list is subject to change. I ordered the books immediately when we received an email from them, just before the summer holidays started. It turns out afterwards that a certain book that was marked as 'not compulsory' was completely removed from the list. I had already ordered that book with the thought… 'not required, but probably useful'.

After a call with Studers, it turned out that that book has indeed been taken off the list by the teacher, but that we can also just send it back. Great! You can also order other school supplies from Studers if you want. Think of the school agenda , exercise books or a calculator or the like. In the end I also have a language card with the books that Luc needs for this year. ordered. This has the size of a card and the most difficult language rules are explained in small detail. Very useful for people with dyslexia.

Order licenses from Studers

Ordering the books at Studers is not only easy, ordering the licenses is just as easy. After you have ordered and paid for them, you can activate them immediately with the push of a button and your child can use the relevant software. They are of course guided through the school in the login process and the operation of this software. Purchasing the books and licenses for the MBO is the first step, and I have noticed that it is worth a lot to me that ordering is so easy.

Of course you can, for example, via the ISBN number at find all the books. How do you order the books for further education these days?