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This Adorable Library on Wheels Brings Books to Children in Italy.

This Adorable Library on Wheels Brings Books to Children in Italy.

Antonio De Cava has always been a lover of reading.

Before, he was a teacher. Today he is retired in southern Italy.

He realized that children in the surrounding villages did not have easy access to books.

He then created the Bibliomotocarro, a mobile library, on wheels, which contains more than 700 books. Watch:

This mobile library is designed to bring books, free, into the hands of young people.

As you can see in the video, the "Bibliomotocarro" is always greeted with smiles and enthusiastic comments wherever it arrives.

When the children hear the organ music of the "Bibliomotocarro", they run to meet it as they would an ice cream truck.

Built in 2003, the "Bibliomotocarro" is actually a used APE Piaggio motorcycle. Antonio de Cava has completely modified it to carry books for children.

A retiree at the service of culture

This Adorable Library on Wheels Brings Books to Children in Italy.

Every month, he travels more than 500 km through the villages without any financial compensation. It is simply the love of books that motivates him. But also the importance of providing access to books for these young people.

As he says in this video interview, “I've always believed that children should have the opportunity to learn interesting things everywhere, not just while they're at school. »

What do you think of this initiative? When will there be a French version of this idea? Tell us what you think in the comments. We can't wait to read you!