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Tips for fun (outdoor) activities during spring break

Have you booked a holiday for spring break or will you - like so many others - stay at home these weeks? During this period, many people feel the need to go outside, go out and preferably spend a week or two in a different environment. But with the overcrowded campsites in the Netherlands and the rising rates, it is sometimes just as fun to do and think of other activities for the spring break. We'll give you some tips so you can get through the coming weeks!

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Fun-activities for spring-break

We will be away for a short week, but you can do the activities below at your holiday address, but also if you stay at home during this spring break. What are you going to do this weeks? Do you drive through all outdoor playgrounds in the Netherlands, or are you going to do something else?

1. Geocaching

It has been years for us, but when we took a long walk in the woods with friends last King's Day, the stories of geocaching resurfaced. It was so much fun to do with the kids. A wonderful outdoor activity for spring break, or just relaxing on a Sunday. You go into the woods with your family, or you look for another area where there is a cache. With an app on your phone, or a special geocache GPS receiver, you can walk the best routes with your children in search of a treasure. In your own neighborhood, or you drive elsewhere first. Just what you feel like.

Searching for the "treasure" makes you have a purpose. This always works well for the children in such an activity and ensures that they continue to have fun while walking. Keep in mind that if you work with an app on your phone, you will continuously have the GPS on on your phone and it will drain your battery faster.

Hint: Take some tasty things with you for the road and you have a day of entertainment ahead that costs nothing.

2. Get out on the water

The weather can't be very nice even then, the water is always pulling. Swimming may not be an option yet, but standing on a supboard is also possible when it is a bit cooler. As far as our children are concerned, this should be on the list as one of the activities for a spring break. I also really like supping. Wonderful to do on a water nearby, but also very nice to do in Giethoorn or something, for example, between the houses. You can of course rent a supboard, but if you have real water lovers in your family, it is a very good option to buy a supboard. Certainly one of those inflatable variants that you can easily take with you on holiday. This way you can enjoy supping not only during spring break in the Netherlands, but also when you can go on holiday abroad again.

Of course you can also choose to go out on the water in a boat or something similar. But if your children are of the age that they can be active themselves with such a supboard, then that is optimal. Spending the whole day together in a boat is more likely to get boring than being active yourself.

3. Grab a terrace

I don't know about you, but going to a terrace these days comes under the heading of 'doing something special'. It has been so long since we were able to spontaneously sit on a terrace, that this will now simply become one of our activities during the spring break. Rain or shine… we are definitely going to grab a terrace in Zeeland.

4. Painting stones with smaller children

This activity is not (any longer) for teenagers, but painting stones is a really fun activity for smaller children. And if you read my blog about this, you will also see that it is not just about painting it, but also about hiding the stones later. And looking for stones painted by others. A bit à la geocaching only a little less structured 😉 .

5. Free outings during the May holiday

There are plenty of places to go for fun spring break activities. For example, check out these free outings during the May holiday, there is undoubtedly something in between that you have not done, or where you have not been and that is now open.

6. Drive to Doel, or rather not…

Get in the car and drive to Doel. That's what was on the tip of my tongue when I listed the best activities for spring break. But a shame but alas… the advice is still 'don't travel'. My tip to visit the town of Doel in Belgium still applies, but do it another time when there is no more negative travel advice. In this ghost town you can find a lot of graffiti on the walls of the -mostly- empty houses. A bizarre sensation and wonderful to stroll around for a day.

What you can do now is make the graffiti at home. Now the question is whether you want to sacrifice a wall of your house, but you can of course also get materials on which the graffiti can be made. Smart to do in the garden with those spray cans, but a super fun activity!

7. Give your children a yes day

One of the wishes that Lotte often has for a holiday day is to have a yes day. A yes day means that on that day I can only say 'yes' to everything that is asked. Now I understand that that is a risk, because if you really want to keep that agreement, they can ask anything. So I always indicate in advance that I also have my limits. And Lotte understands that, of course. We will not discuss where that limit is. So we assume that I will say 'yes' to everything, until I think it is really not possible. One of Lotte's favorite days and activities, and it is also planned again during the spring break.

For example, go shopping and say yes to everything they want, say yes to gaming for hours on end, or to delicious sushi in the evening. Say yes to sweets and chips whenever they want and so on. I always notice that Lotte is having so much fun in the run-up to this day that it makes me happy myself. And is it really going to be crazy? Well… then she knows that I will say 'No'. Also on a yes day. And that in turn means that she actually handles her questions very carefully.

8. Hit the road with the Twizy

Last year we did a GPS tour with an electric car. Speed ​​through the dunes with a Renault Twizy or explore the bulb landscape. Very fun to do and also really corona proof. Ideal!

I wish you a lot of fun during this spring break and hope that you can add a golden edge to this holiday with the above activities.