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Couple:find out how to easily boost your sexuality

Whether you are a couple or single, it is always a little adventure to sleep in a bed other than ours; the landmarks change and the mind hesitates a little:are we going to sleep better or less well? However, in terms of sex, it seems that this is a positive change because nights away from the marital bed, in the hotel in particular, would have a hyper-beneficial effect on the act.

This is what we learned, in 2016, from a survey carried out by the hotel reservation application HotelTonight. To do this, she had questioned 2,200 people who had had sex in a hotel room at least once in the last three years.

Sex in the hotel:performing better than normal

Results ? Sleeping in a bed far from ours really boosts our sexuality! Indeed, 27% of French men and women questioned had then confided to being better lovers when they "sleep" at the hotel. But that's not all ! 38% also rated their partner as performing better than normal. A figure that certainly motivates us to book a weekend soon. In addition, 40% of couples admitted to making love longer when they occupied a hotel room… that is to say 29 minutes longer than an ordinary report! (Ah yes anyway)

Why do we make love better at the hotel?

Several reasons can explain this renewed pleasure. Respondents notably revealed feeling more relaxed in a hotel room, feeling more excited about a new place, and more peaceful in their head because they knew that their neighbors could not hear them, or that couldn't come and bother them. And if in addition, we add role-playing games, accessories, beautiful lingerie... it's a safe bet that these nights at the hotel will give a lasting boost to our sex life.