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10 awesome things about having nieces and nephews

Being a tata is one of the most beautiful things that can happen in life. Once these little bits appear, they shake up our existence, on the program:kisses, hugs and giggles! We never get tired of it and we want more!

1/ We become kids again when they ask us to play with them

Make-up, hut in the garden, tickling, pearl and drawing workshop… Being an aunt means above all enjoying these little moments of innocence when you have fun with them as if you were still 10 years old. Well, we specify that we cheat from time to time at "1,2,3 sun" anyway...

2/ We gooood when we hear their little voice calling auntie (because it's so cute)

Often tata is their first word and even if we know (deep down) that it's because it's easy to pronounce, we prefer to convince ourselves that it's because they've been crazy about us since the very first day. .

3/ We attend all their shows

Those that are official (at school) but also improvised ones at home such as dance performances, disguised parades or puppets. And we have gilded to play the extras or to give the reply!

4/ We love talking to our niece

Besides, her best friend still makes her head because she told Caroline that her pink satchel was not super trendy when it was Martin who had said so. And even if we don't always understand everything, we rebel with her.

5/ We get a burst of joy and love every time we see them

We don't see them often but when we pass by to give them a kiss, we are received with a bang! Kisses, hugs, jumps in the arms:the total!

6/ We change our priorities:we prefer giving them kisses rather than going shopping

Between a shopping spree and a day of giggles in the park with these little balls of love, the choice is often made quickly!

7/ We can teach them to do (small) silly things and feel guilty about it

Kind:how to easily reach the hiding place of mom's sweets which is at the top right of her cupboard... But shhh!

8 / Decorate your fridge with their words of love

Their sublime works of art and declarations of love adorn our drawers, walls and fridges. And no, we can't remove them, they've gone to great lengths!

9/ We are even closer to our brothers and sisters

Of course, thanks to us, our sister or our brother can take time off. Strangely, they even gladly leave us their little bits!

10/ We love our nieces and nephews like our own children

Above all, we have the most beautiful and cutest nephews and nieces in the whole universe!