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Attraction:voice and smell as important as appearance?

Here is a piece of information which, if it did not really surprise us, had not really interested researchers until then:in terms of attraction, everything is not a question of appearance. Of course, we suspected that everything was not going through our look, but a mini-study published in the journal Frontiers in Psychology showed that a person's smell and voice help make them attractive. Researchers at the University of Wroclaw in Poland have combed through 30 years of study to find information on the role of voice and smell in romantic relationships.

Friendship and romantic relationships

"The perception of others through appearance, voice and smell gives a more reliable and broader amount of information" (than appearance alone, editor's note), said Agata Groyecka, in charge of the study. Thus, the voice generally gives an idea of ​​the person's age, but some people are able to determine more precise information such as the person's weight, emotional state or ability to cooperate. More surprisingly, other studies have shown that this type of information can also be inferred from a person's scent. The combination of smell and voice would thus make it possible to obtain a whole lot of information about someone and would be a criterion which would explain the fact that one is attracted (or not) to someone, whether it is either in love, in friendship or even in working relationships.