Family Best Time >> Family

Positive containment

After Lorie and her positive attitude. Don't thank me, it'll keep your head busy for a while.

Then the coaches to the miracle solution (morning) (or not) to achieve happiness.

And above all, of course, Blaise the benevolent. Remember this little post I dedicated to him, to him and to positive education.

Positive containment

It's time for positive containment!

Today, I have to confess it to you. I succumbed. I had the choice, either to fall into depression from the first fortnight, or to laugh as much as possible and above all well… to be positive. I therefore suggest that you identify here what is positive about this confinement. We therefore forget the too many deaths, the sadness, the fear, the exhausted caregivers, the non-teleworking employees, the teleworkers having to manage education (much less positive by the way) at home. And we think POSITIVE. Because beyond trying to give you a light blog post, we know, because it has been scientifically proven by Mr. Raoult's brother (oh that's ok), that having a positive attitude helps boost our immune defenses. So, you still have to continue to spray yourself with ravintsara essential oil (don't look, it's out of stock) but definitely, you have to have the morale (you surprise me) to endure all that.

Hashtag POSITIVE CONTAINMENT , here we go.

We're with family, we're fine and so that's the main thing (yes, even with homework to manage, work, etc. etc.)

We cook a lot more (not even better but it's a start)

The apartment is clean (even the computer keyboard has been cleaned with a cotton swab), the photo albums sorted, the laundry ironed 8 times (or still not, in fact)

The teenagers will have already done their 3rd year internship, watching us work!

We share the mental load (oh, yes!)

Teenagers end up wanting to leave their room (to get the baguette from the bakery, but still not for the trash cans though…) (and then hey, is it that positive AH AH AH … yeah come on, we tick this one)

We finally use the friction pens which cost an arm to erase the dates and times of the exit authorizations.

We hear/listen to the silence (or the birds) in Paris and we breathe! (well, except on Sunday when there was a peak in pollution due to the spreading… it stank seriously)

We meet our neighbors, through interposed balconies.

We watch a lot of movies, we read, we play (especially video games um)

We sleep longer (ok we also have insomnia)

Oh and of course the "people" on Vinted are now friendly:they politely reserve future purchases! And that's good since we created an incredible void by tidying up the apartment from top to bottom and we have a bunch of stuff for sale post confinement.

I'll let you continue with your own experiences in the comments . I read on my Facebook page that at your place the positive confinement could even lead to children less relous on food, ready to go shopping, helping little brothers / sisters, but also parents who play the instafriend and who do tik tok with them… I love it! I'm not there, but I still have time to improve all this #positive containment

And if I have to advise you 1 instagram account right now to really have fun (apart from mine of course, oh that's ok huh) it's this one Go for it!!