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Diagnose and treat the suffering of young people

Diagnose and treat the suffering of young people

The period of adolescence and entry into adulthood is a major stage in the mental and psychic construction of young people. The Covid19 epidemic has thus created great psychological fragility and, in the worst case, a brake on the construction stage of young people in France. It is essential to have the best possible approach to best assist our children in this period of vulnerability.

Learn to identify suffering in young adolescents and students and preserve their mental health by providing them with the necessary care.

How to spot signs of mental suffering in young people?

The health crisis at the heart of young people's malaise

In 2020, the education system in France was completely turned upside down:health protocols adapted in real time, strict confinement with home schooling, the emergence of distance learning, etc.

In this particular context, young adolescents and students have seen their social life completely extinguished and access to their favorite places of leisure closed or made difficult to access. Low morale and demotivation were then the beginnings of their mental suffering.

Signs of psychological suffering in young people

A point of honor is made on the importance of early identification of suffering in young audiences. To do this, identifying the warning signs is essential and it will be necessary to achieve this by raising your level of vigilance.

These signs of mental distress or suffering can be varied:

  • school dropout;
  • loss of interest in areas of habitual appreciation;
  • family tensions;
  • growing isolation.

Did you know ? It is more than one in six young people who are in a situation of cessation of higher education following the Covid epidemic.

How far can a young person in mental distress go?

Psychological suffering in young people is not to be taken lightly. Mild symptoms of depression can be followed by serious excesses that are extremely damaging to health in the long term.

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders (TCA) have been amplified by confinement. In France, half a million young people suffer from it. Dietary deviations such as anorexia continue to kill hundreds of young people each year in France.

School phobia

School phobia is another face of this psychological suffering and is the primary cause of school dropout. It is manifested by more or less strong symptoms depending on the degree of impairment of the child or adolescent:refusal to go to class, nausea, insomnia, etc.

The birth of addictions

Finally, deviant behavior and addictions are one of the most widespread abuses among young audiences. They are manifested by the consumption of illicit or dangerous substances (alcohol, drugs), irrational behavior at the wheel (speeding, offences), an attraction to crimes (vandalism, theft), etc.

It is essential to pay particular attention to these behaviors, because they can in the long run lead to post-traumatic stress which can be fatal. A dramatic observation has indeed been highlighted:the suicide rate among young people has been on the rise since the start of the Covid19 epidemic.

How to support a young person in mental distress?

The role of parents or adults in the close entourage is essential to support a young person in mental distress.

Demonstrating understanding, listening and empathy is essential to initiate dialogue. Here are some examples of approaches to help a young person in psychological distress.

  • Ask kind questions and harmless such as:“how are you feeling today?” Sometimes all it takes is a click to start the dialogue;
  • Help the young person have a positive self-image by valuing him in his successes and helping him to put things into perspective;
  • Help him put specific words to the dark thoughts that may cross him:do not maintain the taboo around discomfort or suicidal desires;
  • Help him get out of isolation by reconnecting with old relationships or through activities;
  • Be patient and don't rush it .

However, sometimes all of this is not enough. It will then be necessary to mobilize care pathways or specific devices made available to get help in the assistance you want to provide your child or teenager.

How to get support to help your child cope?

Surrounding yourself with a team of child health professionals or other nearby adults such as teachers, general practitioners or educators is a first step that can bear fruit.

Indeed, the young person will feel listened to, understood and considered. The importance of communication and verbalization of the troubles and problems buried deep within oneself is at the heart of the problem.

To get support, you can approach different structures such as:

  • public or private hospital services that receive young people;
  • addiction treatment centers;
  • reception structures for young people who encounter problems (local missions, closed educational centres, social children's homes, adolescent homes, social centres, PAEJ, schools, etc.), in partnership with care structures (bridges to care or devices for maintaining care);
  • user and family support associations.

Conversely, some fields of action have limits, such as the field of university health, which found itself overwhelmed during the health crisis. There is only one psychologist for every 30,000 students .

Adolescents, students, young people in pain, we are here for you!

We offer assistance to all our policyholders, whether they are adults, teenagers or students. In case of suffering or distress that you cannot appease on your own, get closer without further delay to our psychological assistance service . You will find listening and support in complete discretion.