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Tips for creating a mom blog

Tips for creating a mom blog

Are you an active mom and passionate about your little one? Like every mother, you are on the lookout for all the news and tips and advice concerning children. However, you want to go further and give yourself the advice that has served you and continues to make your life easier with your toddler. Why not create your own exchange platform, your mom blog in a few clicks to be able to share and discuss what excites you?

Contents 1 Get started and don't be afraid of "they say" and the technical aspect:everything can be learned! 2 Go slowly and don't try to go too fast! 3 Dare to expose personal and family intimacy 4 Don't compare yourself to other mom blogs! 5 Take care of your community 5.1 Do you have any other tips for mom bloggers?

Simple exchanges between mother hens or real trick fairs, here are some tips for creating your mum blog, intuitive and fun!

Get started and don't be afraid of the "we say" and the technical aspect:everything can be learned!

Do you admire blogs and spend time there gleaning little tips and advice of all kinds when it comes to your dear blond head? And why not get started? Some moms are admiring but are quickly held back by the "what will people say" and the technical aspect of the new technology. Your life, even banal, could interest people and other mothers like you who will identify with your journey. Each mom has her experience, her style and her personality and yours necessarily has its place in the world of bloggers! Just believe in yourself, your talent and your wealth!

Technical level, don't panic! No need to be a computer whiz to have and create a blog. A little knowledge of the Net will be more than enough and then you will easily learn as you go! There are hints and tips, as with everything, use them!

There are lots of web hosts of blogs, it's up to you to find out to choose the one that will fit best to your needs and what you really want to put in place. The special blogging platforms are full of ideas and tool aids and some are very easy to use. You will then have plenty of time to improve and make your blog more technical and refine it.

Take it easy and don't try to go too fast!

Blogging is above all a pleasure to write and share! So don't set yourself too many hard-to-achieve goals, especially when you're an active mom with kids to manage. Keep in mind that your potential partnerships and blog traffic will not be great from the start. You are enthusiastic, okay, but the results are not necessarily convincing from the start! Do not be discouraged and continue to share your desires, your discoveries and your vision of parenthood. The primary aim must be in these words! The rest comes next. And if by chance you want to stop or take a break, it's your right, don't feel guilty, it's not a failure.

Tips for creating a mom blog

janeb13 / Pixabay

Dare to expose your personal and family intimacy

Being a mom blogger , it is above all to exchange and share your daily life to transmit advice and tips. You will therefore necessarily have to talk about your personal life, your entourage and especially the life of your children. Photos are not essential, but keep it private by communicating about your children (dates of birth, first names, classes, hobbies and preferences…) are key points not to be missed! So dare to step out of your bubble in this case, while respecting a certain limit so as not to harm your privacy!

Don't compare yourself to other mommy blogs!

Of course, by reading other moms' blogs and taking an interest in their articles, the temptation easy to compare or take as an example. But this aspect is not to be taken lightly:it is better not to put any pressure on yourself and to go at your own pace by seeing in others a source of inspiration rather than fierce competition. Be yourself and have fun! The principal is there.

Take care of your community

The main aspect of your blog is your readers and your quality articles. If in the last proposal you are comfortable and you have fun, also think about pampering your community by answering their interventions, their questions and their various comments. The exchange and sharing will only be richer and you will be able to count on these virtual "friends" to develop a strong and close-knit community that will put you directly on the front of the stage and help to retain newcomers.

Tips for creating a mom blog


Clearly, creating a blog is not that complicated:in addition to the technical aspect and the desire to do well, you just have to follow your instincts and have fun. Your blog will feel the impact and you will be able to continue this great adventure without any pressure!


Do you have any other tips for mom bloggers?

Tips for creating a mom blog