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wedding anniversaries

wedding anniversaries

Cotton weddings, satin weddings, velvet weddings:everything you need to know about wedding anniversaries

Contents 1 Anniversaries vs weddings, what's the difference? 2 What to do to celebrate your wedding anniversary? 3 Renewing vows 3.1 When to renew vows? 3.2 How to renew your vows? 3.3 Weddings of Petals for us (4 months of marriage) and you?

A wedding anniversary is a happy moment, allowing you to celebrate your love or renew your commitment. This practice, very common since the 19th century, has become a real tradition.

Birthdays vs weddings, what's the difference?

Every year comes that date when you think about your wedding day, you take out the photos and want to please your other half. But then what is the difference between wedding anniversaries and weddings? This is only theoretical, the weddings reflect the number of years of marriages that you will have accumulated over time. The best known are the cotton weddings for the first year, the tin weddings (10 years), the porcelain weddings (20 years), the silver weddings (25 years), and finally the golden weddings ( 50 years). As you will have understood, each year will therefore correspond to a material or a metal, which you can then use as a theme for gifts or for a possible party.

What to do to celebrate your wedding anniversary?

Whether it's the first, fifth or twentieth, a wedding anniversary can be celebrated! The bigger question then is what to do. A romantic weekend or a small restaurant one-on-one, there are no rules on how to remember your love for each other. However, the higher the number, the more you will want to score.
But then, the date is approaching and you still don't know what to give her? Do not panic, why not take inspiration from the wedding celebrated, for example, a wooden object for wooden weddings (5 years), a silver object for silver weddings (25 years) etc. In this way, you will stay in the theme and will also be able to choose the gift adapted to your budget.

Renewing your vows

The renewal of vows is a trend that comes straight from Anglo-Saxon countries, and especially from the United States. Increasingly popular in Europe, the renewal of vows is a so-called less informal ceremony, but just as important.

wedding anniversaries

When to renew your vows?

There are really no rules when it comes to confirming your commitment as well as your feelings. However, this most often occurs when you add up a certain number of years such as 20, 30 or even 50 years of marriage.

How to renew your vows?

Intimate ceremony, big party or renewal for two, several options are available to you.

The religious ceremony is a solemn experience, an officiant will bless your rings a second time, and will be able to retrace your journey as a couple and their years spent together. As a second option, you have the secular ceremony, which will allow you to organize a truly personalized moment with symbolic rituals or readings. Do not hesitate to entrust the organization to a loved one or to the witnesses of your marriage. A little help? Help yourself to your first ceremony. If it was rather modest, for lack of time or money, grant yourself the renewal of your dreams with new alliances. If you are more reserved by nature, you can opt for a slightly more intimate ceremony, between family and witnesses.

For the outfits, nothing is imposed, we will nevertheless advise you an original and pretty outfit to mark the occasion without dethroning the traditional white dress and the costume of the first time.

You have all the keys in hand to organize the wedding anniversary that makes you happy. The main thing is the love you give each other every day. And who knows? You may dethrone the Jasper Wedding, the longest marriage, 86 years according to Guinness World Records.


Petal wedding for us (4 months of marriage) and you?