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Emojeu:Games on children's emotions

Emojeu:Games on children s emotions

Living your daily life better

Contents 1 Living better in everyday life 2 A very fruitful collaboration! 3 To teach good basics to the child. 4 The Emogame 5 Contest:Emogame card game to win!

In this period of confinement that affects us all, in France or around the world, many parents must find a thousand and one occupations for their dear little darlings to fill endless days without being able to put their noses outside. More outings to the park, more family outings, more sports activities, meetings and games with their classmates and friends and this day to day inevitably generates frustration, sadness... Adults take extent of the crisis that we are going through and are therefore subject to significant stress, anxiety and even, in extreme cases, depression. Children, whatever their age, are also struck by this malaise and have a hard time expressing what they feel, even with their own parents. It is therefore up to the parents to explain things to them with "words of their age", which is not always an easy task, to protect and reassure them. Children are often unable to understand the disease whether it is Covid-19 or any other disease, the death of a loved one, the loss of an animal, a complicated family situation, …

The unknown in general can be a real source of fear and anxiety for the little ones and can thus lead to problems of falling asleep, nightmares, fear, behavioral problems...

A very fruitful collaboration!

Result of the collaboration between the Jasmin Roy Foundation, whose top priority is to fight against bullying, violence and discrimination against children in schools, and the Desjardins Foundation, which has focused on educational success for more than 40 years, the Emogame is a game with a particularly interesting concept, especially in this period of confinement where the daily life of each family finds itself totally upset, the habits and rhythm of life of each jostled. It can entertain children between 3 and 7 years old but can be played with the family, with parents and comes in the form of a board accompanied by 16 emotion cards and 16 wish cards. This game offers them the opportunity to put a word on their different emotions:nervousness, excitement, etc. It is admirably well designed since, in a playful way, it allows the youngest to express what they feel deep within themselves, which is not necessarily easy to formulate with words, at this if young age. It undeniably helps to reduce the pressure on their shoulders so young.

To teach the child good basics.

The Emogame helps the child to feel calm . Reassuring him in the face of this unknown daily life in which he evolves, in the face of a situation that is unusual and particularly anxiety-provoking to which he does not always know how to react or that he does not know how to apprehend is the responsibility of each parent.

This game helps the youngest to adopt positive behaviors on a daily basis and thus to grow in confidence, to learn to better prepare for the life of a "big man".

Emojeu:Games on children s emotions


The Emogame is a card game that you can easily play with your children

The game contains 16 "I feel" cards, based on the 7 universal emotions and 9 secondary, so-called more complex emotions. The game also contains 16 “I would like” cards that offer different techniques to help children manage negative emotions as well as positive emotions. Children place the cards on the board to indicate how they feel and what they would like to do to deal with that emotion.

Emojeu:Games on children s emotions
Emojeu:Games on children s emotions
Emojeu:Games on children s emotions Emojeu:Games on children s emotions
"The emoji" is available for 12.99 euros, in French and English.
To learn more about "L'émojeu" visit or follow the game on Twitter @L_emojeu.

Competition:Emogame card game to win!

I think the game can be useful during this period of confinement. Children may feel distressed, frightened by this situation, which can influence their behavior (screams, tears, etc_)

I therefore suggest that you win 4 copies of the game. And after confinement, you send the original version.

It's very simple!

  1. Subscribe to our facebook or instagram page: and @ctout_alexandra
  2. Tell me who this game will be for! 🙂
  3. Like + Share / Repost the post

Result of the game:April 13, 2020

Do a good deed! Discover the Emoji game!!

All sales will fund prevention actions by @FondationJRoy