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Myfamiliz, the app to better organize yourself with complete peace of mind!

Myfamiliz, the app to better organize yourself with complete peace of mind!

In the midst of confinement at home, properly structuring children's days (rituals, homework, etc.), distributing tasks within the family and motivating children to participate can make life easier for millions of families and avoid irritation and conflict. .
The Myfamiliz application, recently released on the stores, is the solution!
Created by 2 mothers, it helps families to better anticipate, schedule, fairly distribute tasks, make children more independent in order to be better organized.

Contents 1 How does it work? 2 Testimony of an app user during this period of confinement 3 An app designed with a community of parents 4 How was Myfamiliz born? 5 What exactly are its functions? 5.1 Synchronized agenda:5.2 Sharing specific household tasks:5.3 Personalized reminders for each child by notification:5.4 Gaming system to activate (if necessary) to motivate children to participate:5.5 To-do list / shopping list:5.6 Info :5.7 Menu (coming soon):

How does it work?

We have designed an intuitive and easy-to-use graphical interface that brings together all the useful features to better share the daily life of the family, explains Marie-Anne Chesnel, founder of Myfamiliz.
No more inequality in the sharing of tasks, an algorithm distributes household tasks specific to the household according to the availability of the parents and the age of the children. It also allows children to be more independent thanks to task reminders.
To motivate them to participate, the tasks carried out entitle them to points (gaming system) which allows parents to reward them if they have deserved it (screen time for example)

Via a common dashboard accessible from their smartphone, parents can view and create events in a shared agenda, create to-do lists and assign them, shopping lists, have reminders for medical appointments, mandatory vaccines, of tasks according to events…

Myfamiliz is a kind of family assistant who thinks of everything for everyone!

Testimony of an app user during this period of confinement

“Being faced with the problem myself, I think I found a solution that I started testing yesterday, and which was already giving results after a few hours. The solution is an application, called MyFamiliz, available on iPhone and Android. We first create our small or large family in the application, inviting each member with their mobile number, or an email address.
You can also add guests, if you are confined with relatives or friends. Next ? All you have to do is list the recurring household stains. In reality, the application already offers a wide choice, but it is sometimes necessary to cut certain tasks into subtasks. For example, in addition to “clearing the table”, we added “wiping the sponge off the table”. Otherwise, there are always crumbs, or worse.
And after ? Well, it is the application that will distribute the tasks to be performed. Of course, some tasks can be reserved for parents. But in fact, it's also an opportunity to show children that no, the washing machine, or the dishwasher, are not magic:you have to feed them and empty them, you have to dry then put away the laundry or again, putting away the dishes.
As a bonus, the app allows you to share family to-do lists. And of course, she reminds each member of the family of what is incumbent on them today. At the key? Recognition from parents, and a scoreboard, to make task sharing fun. »

An application designed with a community of parents

The application's functionalities and the integrated information flows (events, extracurricular activities, medical appointment reminders, etc.) have been defined and refined thanks to the precious help of an online community of parents. The application aims to make children more independent:“For example, when Louis can go back to the swimming pool every Monday, a notification reminds him of the things to prepare, in complete autonomy. adds Myriam DELMAS. No more excuses for oversights! To motivate them to participate in daily tasks and perform their rituals, a gaming system has been designed to award points according to the number and difficulty of the task performed, knowing that this feature is to be activated or not at goodwill of the parents.

Depending on their age, children can download the application on their mobile phone if they have one, or consult the notifications on a tablet without having to log in. “The application of course protects the personal data of all its users”.

In the short term, Myfamiliz will present a paid Premium subscription at €4.99/month with additional options/features "And in the medium term, we will deploy Myfamiliz on voice assistants such as Google Home or Echo, to dictate tasks by voice, allow children who cannot read to participate. »

How was Myfamiliz born?

Friends since their business school 20 years ago, Myriam and Marie-Anne both have busy lives between work, children, home, community life, moving etc... During discussions, they find each other many points in common in the daily management. “In particular this famous mental load which exhausts us and stresses us, source of conflict in the couple. You have to think of everything, all the time, for everyone! they specify. While Marie-Anne resumes her studies, a Master 2 Digital then a course at French Tech in Rennes, she nurtures this entrepreneurial project soon accompanied by Myriam, seduced by the idea of ​​​​helping families to better organize themselves, be more Zen on a daily basis and improve gender equality.

Supported and encouraged by many parents from all walks of life and various organizations (French Tech, BPI, Brittany Region, Initiatives, Be a Boss, etc.), Myriam and Marie-Anne are embarking on the adventure, a great challenge for their 40th birthday. , in line with their values ​​and their desire to undertake!

The Myfamiliz app is available for free on Google Play and Apple Store. Find all the information on

What exactly are its functions?

Myfamiliz, the app to better organize yourself with complete peace of mind!

Synchronized calendar:

  • Synchronize your calendar with that of Myfamiliz to facilitate the transition
  • Add your professional calendar for a complete overview of your schedule
  • Instantly show the whole family's calendar with a color for each family member

Sharing specific household tasks:

  • Depending on the availability of family members, the age of the children, intelligent assistance shares the tasks equally between family members.

Custom reminders for each child by notification:

  • Reminder of activities and things to prepare
  • Household chores (assigned according to age and availability)
  • Morning and evening rituals

Gaming system to activate (if necessary) to motivate children to participate:

  • Enable the option that awards points to your children based on the tasks performed

To-do list / shopping list:

  • Assign a to-do list to any or many family members
  • Track the progress of to-do lists
  • Create a shopping list and possibility for all members to complete it


  • Create a common directory
  • Gather useful information about children (size of clothes, shoes, vacation area, …)
  • Save daily useful family websites

Menu (coming soon):

  • Selection of dishes and menus
  • Automatic shopping list generation

All of these features are available for free.