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What food should be favored for an 8 month old baby?

What food should be favored for an 8 month old baby?

At 8 months, baby begins to sit up alone, in balance. You can, therefore, put him in his high chair at mealtimes. The 8 th month also corresponds to the 3rd phase of food diversification.

Contents 1 Foods to introduce into a baby's diet at 8 months 2 Typical diet of an 8-month-old baby

Here are the important things to know about feeding an 8-month-old baby.

Foods to introduce into baby's diet at 8 months

Baby's daily food at 8 months includes 2 meals and a snack. These meals supplement the 2 bottles or the 2 feedings in the morning and in the evening. Infant milk can be enhanced with 2 th cereals age (gluten).

What food should be favored for an 8 month old baby?

At this stage of growth, baby begins to chew food. You can, therefore, serve him mashed or ground food instead of fine and light purees. You must gradually accustom it to more compact textures. Be sure to watch him carefully when giving him chunky food.

Specialists recommend, moreover, to introduce, in the meals of the baby of 8 months:

  • fibre vegetables such as cabbage, celery, leeks and pulses (chickpeas, lentils, etc.). These varieties of vegetables are particularly difficult to digest. You must, therefore, absolutely mix these foods before giving them to baby,
  • starches:semolina, tapioca, vermicelli, rice, wheat, cereal mixes,
  • more protein:daily protein intake should be increased from 10g to 15g. Serve him meat, fish, ¼ egg yolk,
  • crushed or chopped fruit instead of compotes. On the advice of your pediatrician, you can start introducing some exotic fruits such as pineapple, papaya, …. Avoid mixing fruit.
  • well-cooked seafood and fish. Fish with a high PCB content (eel, barbel, bream, etc.) is prohibited.
  • dairy products prepared with second age infant milk:small Swiss, yogurts, fromage blanc.

As a reminder, cow's milk is not suitable before 1 year. The same goes for charcuterie, offal, honey.

The typical diet of an 8-month-old baby

The 8-month-old baby discovers and appreciates tastes. It is therefore essential to vary your food as much as possible.

In the morning, you must serve him a bottle of 210 to 240 ml of infant milk. The addition of 2 th cereals age is optional.

Lunch consists mainly of mashed vegetables. You need to add a little starch, 3-4 teaspoons of protein and a teaspoon of raw oil. Prefer sunflower, rapeseed or grapeseed vegetable oils. Also serve him a dairy product with infant formula or mashed fruit for dessert.

The snack includes 120 g of ground or crushed fruit accompanied by an infant milk product.

The evening meal should have the same proportions as lunch. You can, by the way, serve him exactly the same dish. Dinner should be completed with a bottle of 210 to 240 ml of infant milk with or without cereals or a feeding.