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Hosting your relative at home:precautions, advantages, advice

Hosting your relative at home:precautions, advantages, advice

Hosting your elderly parent at home is reassuring in the sense that you don't know it alone and where you know it is safe. This situation also has financial advantages in some cases. However, it is a decision that must be carefully considered because family or couple life can be seriously disrupted.

In addition, certain care that must be provided to dependent people, such as washing or diapering, is sometimes difficult to perform when it comes to a loved one. Before opting for this solution, it is important to think carefully about the consequences of this situation, which may not only have advantages.

Good questions to ask yourself

Wanting to welcome an elderly parent into your home is not a decision that should be taken lightly. Material questions arise first:is the dwelling large enough and well adapted to accommodate a dependent or disabled person who most often requires special arrangements and equipment? You also have to keep in mind that an elderly parent at home asks for time to devote to them. On the other hand, the whole family living under the same roof must be informed and must be able to give their opinion on the arrival of a new occupant, even if he is a relative, he will inevitably disrupt family life. Relatives (brothers, sisters, etc.) are also to be taken into account:their agreement is preferable to obtain beforehand so as not to lead to family conflicts later. In any case, it is important to set rules for living together from the start so that everyone finds their place.

For the cohabitation to work as well as possible, it is necessary to keep in mind that the foster parent must not be overprotected. First, because in general, he does not ask for it and is rather afraid of getting in the way, then, because dependence should not rhyme with loss of freedom for the elderly person. On the contrary, associating it with certain domestic tasks will enhance it.

What help to welcome a loved one into your home?

If the parent you are hosting already benefits from the personalized autonomy allowance (APA), he can continue to benefit from certain services provided for in the assistance plan that must be associated with the payment of the APA, such as assistance with residence. It suffices to inform the county council which pays this allowance, or that on which the new residence depends, of the new address of the beneficiary. If the elderly person did not have APA, even staying with relatives, they can apply for it. Pension funds can also offer assistance in this case. Some departmental councils also provide extra-legal aid (more favorable than the law) to people who host their relative at home.

If you already benefit from a housing allowance paid by the CAF and you are hosting a relative aged 65 or over, he may be considered dependent on you and this allowance will be reviewed taking into account his situation.

Tax benefits

The tax services can take into account the fact of hosting an elderly relative at home and offer advantages under certain conditions:

  • an increase in the number of shares if the relative accommodated holds a disability card. In this case, an additional share is allocated for the calculation of taxes, but the parent's income must be added to that of the hosting family member.
  • a deduction from taxable income of an amount capped at 3,407 euros for alimony if you take in your parent aged 75 and over free of charge and permanently. In this case, the person accommodated cannot be counted as the dependent of his child for taxes.

Become an employee of your hosted parent

There is no official status that gives the right to recognition and even less to remuneration for people who house and help their elderly parents. However, it is possible to be employed by a loved one as a home help. If the elderly parent benefits from the APA, the law authorizes him to pay the child who takes him in as a home help. In this case, his allowance allows him to pay him a remuneration provided that the use of these sums complies with the aid plan linked to the APA and to justify it to the departmental council. This status allows the carer to contribute to retirement and benefit from social protection.

Becoming an employee of his/her housed parent, however, implies rights and duties:the elderly person thus helped becomes an employer with all the resulting obligations (declaration of hiring to Urssaf, provision of payslips, payment of social security contributions, leave management, occupational medicine, etc.).