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The Trick For Giving A Child Medicine That All Parents Should Know.

The Trick For Giving A Child Medicine That All Parents Should Know.

Your child refuses to take his medicine?

Not easy indeed to swallow a Doliprane to a toddler!

It's often a fight that ends in tears...

Luckily, my daughter's pediatrician told me his tip for easily giving medication to small children.

The genius trick is to hide the medicine in a fruit juice box . Watch:

The Trick For Giving A Child Medicine That All Parents Should Know.

  • How to
  • Result
  • Why does it work?

How to

1. Take an empty fruit juice briquette.

2. With a pair of scissors, open one side of the briquette.

3. Prepare the medicine in a small glass.

4. Put the glass in the briquette.

5. Put the straw in the hole provided for this purpose.

6. Give the medicine to baby, hiding the open side.


The Trick For Giving A Child Medicine That All Parents Should Know.

There you go, you have managed to give the medicine to your child without difficulty :-)

Simple, convenient and effective way to administer treatment, right?

By hiding the liquid medicine in the fruit juice carton, no more crying and screaming!

To make taking antibiotics like amoxicillin easy, this is the best trick I know.

Why does it work?

Your little one won't be suspicious when they see a fruit juice briquette.

And even if the taste has not changed, there is no apprehension of drinking something bad.

He will swallow the liquid without question.

Your child thinks he is drinking a good fruit juice and it will pass on its own!