How do we get our kids to know our phone number by heart?
That's the question we've been asking with my husband for a few months.
Because in case of emergency, it is important that they can reach us quickly!
Luckily, we've come up with a brilliant trick to finally get them to remember our mobile number.
The trick was to use our phone number as a code to unlock the iPad . In a few days, it was learned! Watch:
1. Change the code on your iPad or tablet to your phone number.
2. Let your children play (in moderation of course) with your iPad.
3. Every time your kids go to unlock the iPad, they'll remember your number.
There you go, you know how to make your children know your phone number by heart :-)
Easy, fast and efficient, right?
Very useful in case of emergency or if your children get lost and they have to call you!
Of course, the goal is not that they spend too much time on the iPad.
Because children's overexposure to screens is bad for their development...
This trick also works with codes to unlock computers and video games.
To put an 8-digit code on the iPad, choose the "custom alphanumeric code" option.