Family Best Time >> Family

making memories; when you know there's not much time left

Sometimes it takes a while for it to sink in, but in the end it really is that your family and your family are the most important thing. Making memories has therefore become a kind of mantra for me. Do you want to work full-time because you want to build a career? Nothing wrong with that. But when something happens to someone dear to you, you realize for a moment where you stand and what is important. Those are the moments when you realize that it's about the memories you make with each other, or that you share with each other. We are going to make plenty of memories and Kaartje2go ensures that I can announce that in a fun way!

Table of contents

Making memories; the common thread of life

At least, that's how it should be I guess. And of course you can see making memories very broadly. This ranges from a fun afternoon of games to a week of vacation. Or from a nice piece of cake when getting a good grade at school to making a Sunday afternoon cozy with snacks on the table and a movie. Or just a simple cup of coffee and a chat.

Here at home I notice that it is precisely those little things that make Lotte very happy, for example. She can really look forward to hanging out on the couch on a Sunday afternoon with snacks and watching a nice movie together, for example. Watching the Voice kids on Friday evening, also so much fun. Just like I used to have it and that feeling is cropping up again and again. In addition to doing fun things with the family, I notice that family is becoming increasingly important to me.

The desire to be together

Now that we have been worrying so much about Dad for the past six months, I realize once again how lucky I am with my family. With my brothers and my sister, and of course also with the supporters.

During the time when my mother was so ill and passed away, it was exactly that feeling that it was all about. Being together, sharing things with the family and taking care of each other. And now I notice it again.

The four of us (my two brothers, my sister and I) make sure that one of us is with my father every day. Whoever is there cooks for him and continues to eat, of course. For example, daddy is 'under the pans' for a few hours a day and we can also keep an eye on him. Yet we don't see each other very often, so I only reminisce with my father.

Making memories together one more time

That is how I came up with the idea to organize a cozy family barbecue where we could really be together again. We all have busy schedules, and the days that we take turns with Dad also add up for everyone. Making memories with the whole family? So that was a while ago.

In addition, Daddy is still very weak. The pain is gone, so finally the pain relief has done something for him, but that's about it. He is tired, dead tired and his body seems to be getting more and more 'tired'. And that feels to me like there isn't much time left. Time that, as far as I'm concerned, we should spend very meaningfully, because these moments will never come back. So making memories!

Now I could have invited everyone via the app, but I didn't like that very much. That's why I made online tickets as an invitation to a barbecue.

Invitations for just any weekday

At this time of year, the weekends are busy quite quickly, so I've planned the barbecue on a weekday. When it comes to making memories, it's not the date you remember, right? It's the time.

And to make that moment even more special, I made invitations. No pasting and cutting (Lotte probably would have liked it too), but invitation cards that you can make online. Super fun to do by the way, because the program of (in my case, Kaartje2go) is very handy. You have all kinds of invitations that you can use as a basis, but which you can also change everything about. From texts, figures and photos to colours, backgrounds and type of paper. You name it.

The invitations for the barbecue were ready in no time and the making memories feeling started immediately after sending the invitations. Secretly I already knew that everyone could, but I was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiastic response to the invitation. Only then will you notice that being attentive makes a difference when sending a card instead of an app!

Do you ever send invitations like this?

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