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Twitter and your mother-in-law, that makes for hilarious scenes

Hooray, it's my mother-in-law's birthday and the good man turns 64 today. "We're going to my mother's at 4 pm," my wife calls from the kitchen. Meanwhile I tweet:“how do I get out of my mother-in-law's birthday?” “You're not listening again, are you? she shouts. "Welles," I snap. "I can hear we're going to see your mother."

About Twitter and my mother-in-law

Meanwhile, the responses to my question are pouring in via twitter. Pretend you're sick, disable the car, or say you have to work. "You're not going to be tweeting with my mother all the time," my wife shouts from the kitchen with a raised voice. Meanwhile, I literally tweet her words to my followers. They respond with rofol and haahahahahaha.

A quarter to four I tweet that I can't get out of it anymore and that I have to face my fate. I have to go to hell called my mother-in-law's birthday. In the car I shoot another twitpic and post it for my followers to show I mean business. "Cut off," I hear from the chair next to me from my wife's mouth. By this she obviously means that I have to stop putting everything on the internet via twitter.

As we drive into the Vinex neighborhood where the birthday boy jet lives, I secretly tweet that I've entered the gates of hell. "You take the flowers for mom, then I'll wear the maxi-cosi," she says irritated. "This is my chance and I make sure I walk a few meters behind her and twitpic a photo of a dry hedge and type the text at:for tired-in-law #birthday. In the meantime I read that @vroegevogel45 is falling off the couch laughing and @plumenek56 also wants a forest for his mother-in-law.

About gossiping, twitter, birthdays and in-laws

When we enter the birthday boy's house, I see a group of people sitting in a circle with pastries on their laps. They talk about the fact that they no longer find Freek de Jonge what he used to be. I can't take it anymore and run to the toilet. I quickly grab my mobile and twitter:'how can I leave my mother-in-law's birthday in a neat way within 10 minutes?'

Then there is a knock on the door. "I know you're tweeting," my wife shouts from the hallway. I then put my cell phone in my pocket and jump out of the toilet with an innocent look. "I don't know what you're talking about," I call back and go back to the company in the room. And I take a seat in the circle.

Then I decide to throw twitter as a topic in the group. “I tweet too,” my mother-in-law exclaims. For about 3 years now. ’@tokkenbos197 is my twitter name.’ I turn white and realize that I have been DMing erotically with my mother-in-law for months. "What's your twitter name?" she asks me. I decide to lie and shout '@theezak112' . Don't lie, my wife snaps, "You're @vester71, aren't you!" My mother-in-law turns pale. I get up and run outside to smoke a cigarette. When I'm done smoking, I sit back in the circle and I'm just glad the conversation is about Freek de Jonge again 😉 .

Written by @Vester71