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Siblings Day; 6 x why I want to exchange my brothers for a sister

Brothers, I have two and it's driving me crazy. All my life I've had a brother and when I was almost two years old, another one was added. In the beginning that is funny, such a baby, but now? Brother is now six years old and thinks he is the funniest and the boss. Brother is nine and I just don't care. In fact, I hate them. I'd rather have a sister! Doesn't it mean that you hate something for nothing? Anyway, now I'm trying to convince my mother with these 6 reasons why I want to exchange my brothers for a sister… seems perfectly timed for sibling day, don't you think?

Table of Contents

Sibling Day; 6x why I want a sister

Brothers are not careful with my things

Who Will Break My Baby Born's Arm? Who's on top of my stuffed animals? Who is deliberately coloring a line on my beautiful drawing? That's right… my brothers! It drives me crazy. Then I try to be neat with my stuff, but it really makes little sense. This morning, we cycled to school and brother again didn't look right in front of him. I braked, because we had to cycle between two posts. And who hit my taillight again? You guessed it, my brother. No, if you want to keep your things nice, mama, you better trade my brothers for a sister. Girls are much more careful with their stuff!

We always argue with each other

Sometimes I sit too close on the couch, other times I can't watch on the iPad:there is always a reason why my brothers and I argue. Siblings Day will be no exception. Who can sit at the table next to mom? What game are we going to play? Who takes a bath first? Mom says she and her brother used to argue all the time. Then she would call him Boulie (that was some snowman on TV) and he would call her a fat man or a spectacled smurf. He also beheaded her doll. She says everything will be fine and I can laugh about it later. Well, I don't believe it!

Brothers only want to do boy things

I miss a girl in the house who likes to do the same thing as me. Who does like to play with dolls and a dollhouse. Who doesn't want to play Clash of Clans, Minecraft or Fifa17, let alone talk about it over dinner. Bah! No, I want a sister! At least then I can quietly watch Jill or the CupCakeCup on TV, without someone yelling in between that they want to watch Transformers or (worse) Lego Ninjago. And don't get me wrong:I'm not a real 'girl girl', but certainly not a boy either.

Brothers think shopping is stupid

Okay Mom, the previous reasons may not have been that important to you, but I'm sure you'll like this one. My brothers don't like shopping. When they hear the words "buy clothes," their faces darken and they begin to complain. They don't want to come. I do! I really enjoy shopping with you. Nice to look at shops everywhere and buy beautiful things. It's so much more fun when there's another girl around, isn't it? And that you don't leave nagging boys at home with daddy? Or worse:that they have to come, because they really need new pants that you have to fit them on. No, you don't want that anymore, do you?

No more boasting about what to do with your dick

You know what I also find so annoying? That they always start talking about their penises during a walk in the woods. That they can pee against a tree here and I can't. As if I don't know! “I can have babies in my belly,” I say. “So what?” is their answer. Or that they secretly pee in one toilet at the same time in the bathroom, yikes! According to them, peepers are dirty. Well, I'm really done with dicks! (Mom says I should keep it that way for the time being).

We girls understand each other

Girls just understand each other. They like the same things and I'm sure if I get a sister I'll argue with her a lot less than with my brothers. Do you understand that? And then we just do sisters day instead of brothers and sisters day, that's also possible, right? Brothers are just stupid. They have stupid jokes and like things that I really hate. Didn't you think it was stupid that your brother used to tie worms in knots? Then you went to untangle them again, you told me. Sisters just feel each other and get along just fine!

Can't you make a sister then?

So, that's out. What do you say mom? That I often have fun with my brothers? That I was still tinkering with Little Brother this afternoon and that it went very well? That I like to jump on the trampoline with them? Hmm...that might be true. But I still want a sister! Too bad there is no trade-in service or warranty card for children. Can't you make a sister?

No, it really doesn't matter that I would already be over 8.5 when I get a sister. That's fun isn't it? Then I can help you with everything. Really, it doesn't matter! No, indeed, you cannot determine in advance whether it will be a boy or a girl. But you can try, right? Not? Do you think three children is enough? Too bad, don't you really want to sleep on it one more night please?

Unfortunately for Daughter, this mom sticks to her point of view 😉 . Brothers can indeed be very annoying and irritating, but from my own experience I know that it can be okay later. Because even though my brother really decapitated my doll on purpose, tied worms in a knot and we regularly called each other names, I wouldn't want to miss him for anything now. Happy National Brothers and Sisters Day!