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The nicest valentines (12) for if you are not an extreme romantic but like a joke.

Valentine's Day, we can't talk about it enough. Even though everyone who has known me for a while now also knows that I am not a mega romantic… I am quite in for a joke 😉 . For Valentine's Day you will not see me send an i-love-you card with drool dripping from it. No, just give me some nice light-hearted sarcasm. Haha, well, to each his own of course. Of course I went looking for the - in my opinion - best Valentine's cards that can be found online. Guaranteed good for a smile!

We have listed the best Valentine's Day cards for you. We found the cards on, Greetz and Muller Greeting Cards, and if you search further you will probably find many more!

The best valentines for a smile

I left out the very rough cards. Good for a smile by the way, but just not cards that I would want to send again myself 😉 . For me, the best valentines are the ones that leave a good feeling without being rude. A bit like you get with comedians. The whole gross are quite funny of course, but the real appreciation that gets the comedian who is sharp and balances on the edge but certainly does not go over it. He deserves it!

We also have a nice giveaway for you, you can read the story about Valentine's Day right away.

Funny, but subtle

Click on the map if you want to know where to find it online!

Well, the Valentine's card above needs no explanation I think 😉 . Suitable for just about every woman to send.

Hahaha, how many times have we had a discussion about this. I'm actually curious if more of you suffer from this, or are you cut from the same cloth when it comes to loading the dishwasher? Not us!

Look, that RUMAG is strong in his lyrics… we all know that, but this one is very striking as far as I'm concerned. Although I think laughing is even more important than sex, because to be honest, having fun together is f*****g fantastic isn't it?

I admit... it's not a Valentine's Day card, it's a coaster. But brilliant! I say:write something nice on the back and send it in an envelope, doesn't it just fit!

You get it already… the name Ronald can be replaced and personalised. Is that a nice Valentine's card or not? A real boost for yourself in any case!

Not applicable to us because we 'just' met at work. But hey, it can of course just be right in this time!

Hihi, this one is fun just because I think he should look up the meaning of 'Knobhead' 😉 .

Oh well… just plain right?

And a few more…

Look, this one speaks for itself, right? Maybe not suitable for a very big smile, but very true.

Hèhèhè, I'm not going to send this one, even though it's in my top 3 😉 . I'm afraid that the man sees the fun in this, but at the same time wonders how this actually works.

For the silent hint 😉 .

Of the best Valentine's cards, I also think this one is fantastic. They are creative minds, all those designers of these beautiful cards.

Are you more into crafting for Valentine's Day, then we have collected very nice ideas for you here.