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Making babyccino:a cozy moment together, you your coffee and your little one 'children's coffee'

Have a cup of coffee together? You probably often introduce this to your mother, friends or your sweetheart. But drinking a cup of coffee with your child is not an option, while they find it so pleasant. Fortunately, there is now a solution, the children's coffee! Have you ever heard of the babyccino? Brought over from Australia and already well established in the Netherlands, this children's coffee. In this blog you can read more about it, and of course we also tell you how you can easily make such a babyccino for your mini-me and we give a smart tip for babyccinos and growing up healthy.

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Drinking with mom; a babyccino

Does your mini-me also turn up his or her nose when you serve them a glass of milk? Then it's time for a tasty babyccino! Because which child doesn't want to drink with mom or dad?

A babyccino for your little one, that's possible from an early age!

The basis for a babyccino is very simple; milk. But even if your child is not allowed regular milk yet, you can make a babyccino. Then of course you just make a delicious babyccino with growth milk! Healthy for them and also very tasty, such a 'children's coffee'! Do you want to know more about how to make a babyccino? Then we have a delicious recipe for you below.

What is a babyccino?

A babyccino is really just a cup with whipped milk. But babyccino sounds much nicer of course 😉 . As mentioned, this 'children's coffee' has come over from Australia and is also extremely popular in America. As always, we are a bit behind the times in the Netherlands, but now this delicious children's cappuccino is also becoming more and more known here.

Making healthy babyccino for children from 2 years

If you replace the regular milk with growth milk, you can already drink a cup of 'coffee' in the form of a babyccino with the little ones. In addition, the growth milk is also healthy, because to grow up healthy, a child needs 7x more vitamin D than an adult. And that's what HiPP Junior 4 Combiotik provides, for example. This way you immediately create a Boost Bite for your little one.

A great way to make this a daily ritual, because your children often find it special if they can join you. Whisk the milk well and make sure it is not too hot when serving.

What if your child is not (yet) allowed regular milk? A babyccino without milk.

Young children are not allowed to use cow's milk yet, although they do need certain substances in that milk. That is why many parents give their children growth milk when the period of follow-on milk has ended. This one is packed with important substances that they need to grow up well. Did you know that toddlers need up to 3 times more calcium than adults, and even up to 7 times more vitamin D? That is why it is wise to give them growth milk, so that they naturally get these and many more vitamins and nutrients. This growth milk is also a great solution if your child suffers from a cow's milk allergy.

Create fun variations on the babyccino

Do you want to make your babyccino extra festive? Then add a little cinnamon. Or sprinkle some cocoa powder over it, in a nice shape. Many children can also appreciate an anise cube in it. Put two eyes on it and use some syrup for the mouth. This way you will have a real eychatcher in no time!

And for fun:small candies (sprinkles) or marshmallows on your babyccino. You can be creative in it, especially if your children are already allowed to eat and drink everything. Except real coffee of course! They will have to be patient for a while. A special cup to pour the coffee into, that also helps a lot.

Look, of course you don't give a really young baby a babyccino, but just breast or bottle feed. But if they are already a bit further, then this is super fun! Have you (or actually your little one) tried the children's coffee? Then we are very curious:did you like it a bit? And how does your mini-me prefer to drink the babyccino?