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The WTF study:men eat twice as much when eating with a woman

We knew that love and marriage made you fat. Now, a new study looking at the "Love-food" relationship reveals this surprising revelation:men eat twice as much in the presence of a woman...not out of embarrassment, but to seduce her. These amazing results have just been published in the journal Evolutionary Psychological Science.

Always very creative, American researchers, from Cornell University more precisely, studied the behavior of 105 adults aged 18 to 81, in a small Italian restaurant. The deal:these customers had the right to eat unlimited pizzas and salads, without paying extra.

By observing their orders, they then realized that male individuals ate (much) more in the presence of women than in the presence of men. The numbers are crazy:93% more pizza and 86% more salad in total. As for the women, they ate the same amount according to their table mates...but felt they had eaten more when they were in the company of men (they described feeling more "rushed", and the stress, it cuts the appetite).

For Kevin Kniffin, the main author of the study, the explanation is to be found on the side of evolution:men would thus seek to impress women. The unconscious message:"I eat well, so I'm strong, so I'm a good man for you" (clear). Uh…