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#UnsentProject:when the text messages we never dared to send to our exes become art

I would do anything to have you again », « If only I had known “, “You are the coolest and most exceptional girl », « I still love you »

Here are the type of messages that we have always wanted to send to our ex, without ever taking the plunge. Text messages that we regret not having sent or on the contrary that we are happy to have withheld.

Rora Blue, is a young blogger and "Instagramer" who, at the age of 18, had the touching idea of ​​collecting as many proofs of love or pride as possible. On her site, she asked her Internet users to send her what they would have liked to say at least once to their first love and to include the color that made them to this person.

Result, a pretty rainbow of sweet or bitter words found themselves printed in 4×3 on the walls of Sacramento. A way for her to "create a work that is attractive from afar, but emotional up close".

The result is romantic but above all full of humanity.

It would make us almost a little nostalgic for our high school years, with this famous boy who made us dance our first slow dance...