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Positive thought of the day:15 short sentences to repeat in the morning

A method for your positive thinking

Each situation that made you sad, worried or bad about yourself corresponds to a release quote. To learn how to apply positive thinking to everyday life, you will review the moments that make your life difficult. You become aware that you are destabilized by the faults you think you have, both physical and psychological. By applying a positive thought of the day to each of these so-called weaknesses, you will put it into perspective and regain your self-confidence. In your relationship with others, your assurance will bring you immediate benefit. Your loved ones will send you back a positive image of you in your behavior and in your actions. This recognition will allow you to carry out your projects and reconnect with success.

A positive thought of the day on 15 occasions

Knowing how positive thoughts work will transform your day. Do you feel abandoned? You can state the following positive thought:"I am helped by those I love", or even:"I have confidence in my abilities. “You didn’t fulfill the contract you had set yourself the day before? Another positive thought for the day:"I'm going to exceed my limits from yesterday. “Do you feel bad about yourself? "I take care of my body because I love it," or "I like what I see." "Money problems? "Things are fine financially," or "The lifestyle I've chosen is fine with me." » Not feeling well? “I take care of my health”, or:“I can recover without difficulty. You recite these mantras every morning to exorcise whatever unpleasant things might happen to you and to affirm yourself. To convince yourself of your good resolutions, you can say to yourself:"It's fine, every moment is a new beginning", "I made the right choice", or even:"My conscience determines my life. Beyond your physical appearance and your emotions, you accept yourself by telling yourself:"I am responsible for my life", "This is a success and not a failure", "I can forgive".

A positive thought of the day for every situation

Did you get up on the wrong foot? As soon as you wake up, you adopt a positive thought that will determine your whole day. Each formula listed corresponds to a situation that you have already been confronted with and that you have had difficulty overcoming. It is a positive thought of the day that identifies the problem and encourages you to overcome it. Example:you had a bad night, and you don't recognize yourself in the mirror. You can say to yourself, "I love myself just the way I am. Talking frees you from your stress, and auto-suggestion works wonders. This is a day that promises to be under better auspices. Before leaving your home, an expression of the style "I am responsible for my life" encourages you to face reality, and anticipates the slightest annoyances that could arise by transforming them into moments of happiness.