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Service message for teens

Service message for teens

Dear teenagers,

Let's be honest 3 minutes.

No really, we don't bother you for fun, but be careful, it's rough... because we care about you. (Are you going to be ok?) Comparison to all the years before even the announcement of your expectation, the hormones, the love all that... to tell you, we even forgot the contractions and the sewing session that followed !

If in fact yes, we understand. Well yes. Relationship to our own history, our adolescence (yes we were teenagers… I warned you that it was going to be tough?!) and therefore our memories (not only wired telephones that had to be pulled as far as possible from our darons precisely ) all that.

No, in fact, we think that there is little risk that you will become homeless if you do not do the readings imposed by high school this summer… We probably share this talent which consists in making cases. Report to the fact that we will undoubtedly be there the day before the start of the school year to talk to you about the book or give you the link to the awesome YouTube channel which summarizes all the classics in 10 minutes. Well it would reassure us all the same if ever on a misunderstanding...

Yes, let's face it, however, it makes us happy to wake you up early in the morning at 11 a.m. because we are taking revenge for the shitty nights of your early childhood. Can you still grant us that?!
Otherwise, it's okay, you'll get it later. Like us.

Ah and finally, we love to see you grow, assert yourself, confront us because it's normal after all, it's even really reassuring to see that we are no longer heroes. It just stings a little when you put your nose in our faults huh. But it's okay, we'll get used to it. We are adults! Uh uh
On the other hand, the shower is obligatory, thank you.