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Have you decided to make us feel guilty for a long time?

Have you decided to make us feel guilty for a long time? Well, I had absolutely not planned to take the mouse to pass this rant there (I I have another in reserve which will suddenly come later, priority to the news)(I've always dreamed of saying that)(ah ah ah)

It doesn't show, but I'm a tad angry.

Why ????? So much hate.

Who pissed off e-za again you wonder!?

Well the content of this article (all rotten). It's called "Did you decide to let baby cry? Here's what's going on in his body »

No need to leave HEC to understand that we are going to stuff ourselves with an unworthy anti-mother plea who dares to let their toddler cry. Those naughty ones.

I read. I left to scream. I returned. I read again. I decided to answer.

So, listen to me, as I said to my Facebook contact who shared this article without commenting on it (so I don't know his opinion on the subject):

you guys are all very cute, with your studies and your beautiful articles describing the results of these… but you will have to choose at some point.

We cannot hear on the one hand the speech expressing (finally) how much the role of mother is today more than ever difficult and that we must help them. In a few words:fatigue, stress, pace of life, professional/personal life balance, maternal burn-out, social pressure, pressure period.

And discover a few days later, on the same media in addition, its absolute opposite (is it said?)(I'm angry, sorry), namely in our case of the day:making the mothers feel guilty who have (or still let) cry their babies.

BUT DAMN IT. When are you going to stop bugging us? What do you believe? That it pleased me to let my Choupie cry? That I did the joy dance during that time? Of course I suspect that it did not give him intense pleasure, quite the contrary! So thank you, I don't need to read that I may have had a depression. Of course

No kidding ? Oh good ! Damn, but thank you!! I was thinking me!!


Really what an interesting article.

Yes, I could have ignored it. I'm pretty good at forgetting a lot of the... droppings... written on the web. Social networks are a goldmine for this.

It will be said that this was the drop of water in that vase. Maybe because I feel particularly targeted.

Yes, I let my babies cry. And especially my daughter. Because she cried a lot during the day and evening. That she only slept for micro naps of barely 5 minutes, that I was alone during the day, that I breastfed her 24 hours a day… Wait, am I trying to justify myself here? Yes. It seems that it is necessary…. It has happened to me, certainly quite rarely, but it has happened, that I simply can't take it anymore. I remember one day picking her up, laying her ungently in her bed - to secure her. Because I couldn't stand her screaming anymore. That I couldn't anymore. I can see myself telling her, mom is exhausted, mom is coming back, but now I can't anymore. I closed the door to his room. I was cried in the next room. I put water on my face. A few...minutes have passed. She was still screaming. I gave him a big dose of stress. But didn't I above all protect him? Of my overwhelmed, exhausted self? We'll never know. In any case, when I regained my strength, I was able to go back to get her, take her in my arms and tell her that everything was going to be fine.

Judge me

I officially apologize to my chip. Honey, since you're reading me, if you're anxious, maybe it's mom's fault in fact!? AH AH AH

I'll quote the article one last time, but to take it out of context:

And if the instinct is to let him cry because ultimately it's the least risk, do it and don't feel guilty. On the contrary. Congratulate yourself on this gesture intended to protect him from an element that is more than natural and human:exhaustion.

When young mothers will have the necessary help at home (I remember that BEFORE she had with her - for a long time - her mother or even her grandmother. In many tribes, it is indeed all the women of the village who come help), when we let fathers take a decent leave, when we have recreated social ties, neighbors... We'll talk about your stupid studies, ok?

Because parents who REALLY hurt their children, they actually don't care - by definition. They are the real abusers that we find on the front page of the newspapers.