While our President becomes world champion of the Earth, at e-zabel, we have been paying close attention to our planet for a few years now! From the most basic gestures (but alas not yet common enough for my taste, when I look at the Parisian soil in particular – if you follow me on instagram, I sometimes make maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaative stories in the heart of the trash that is our capital) to slightly more daring changes.
No, don't panic either huh.
Finally, I am very proud, gradually, at our own pace, in a busy daily life, to change a few habits a little bit cracra for the planet.
(Well, of course, bathing in plastics in Sri Lanka in February did NOT make me sink into a serious question AT ALL:but in fact, it really serves a purpose that me, here, I delete my bottles in plastic from my purchases??)
Come on, here we come, a short list of our eco/green gestures at home:
- waste sorting . OBVIOUSLY. Two bins in the kitchen, we sort and we dream of being able to FINALLY one day put plastic packaging other than bottles (like yogurt packaging for example) in this recyclable bin, because it is not yet possible in Paris... I don't can't explain it to me.
- LED bulbs . That's the man's job, he changed all the light bulbs for us to switch to low consumption. In the "electricity" series, we try to turn everything off, for the computer it's not won won yet (hum)
- once a year, we put on our maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaol gloves (plastic! Lol) to clean the gardens around our building . This year "only" 3 bags picked up...1st time I remember picking up so many cigarette butts I felt like I had smoked since birth.
- more cotton, more disposable wipes :all that is over and already for several years now. I talk to you about it regularly, but it's thanks to Emma's kits - Les Tendances d'Emma - that our habits have completely changed. Concretely:I have cotton squares for make-up removal, knowing that I keep some aside for the remover. I have my washable "wipes" in the kitchen for all things table cleaning, wiping of all kinds, soaking up spills, cleaning mouths... once used, I just toss them in the washing machine right away.
- no more laundry:I now do (for 2 months) like many now, my homemade laundry . Easy, super economical and the laundry is clean! YOUHOU
- reduced household products :black soap, white vinegar, baking soda and brill’tout for the windows (so clean without product!!)
- we bought some bicycles , already we didn't use the car a lot (it's easy when you live in Paris casually)... it's even less the case now.
- in the bathroom:we are in the business of simplification for several months now. I use almost more than vegetable oils and essential oils. I remove my make-up with Jojoba oil, then cold saponified soap. I apply jojoba or argan oil to moisturize at night. I still have a "normal" day cream for the day, AVRIL brand right now. I also started the transition to "solids » in the shower:we are in a mix, just to get used to shower gel and shampoo. Of course, I only use coconut oil for the lice (uh uh) and the care of our hair. Ah and simple shea butter for the body, lip and chapped nose.
- I refuse all bags offered at the checkout, I always walk around with my reusable bag folded at the bottom of the bag or else I assume and carry my shopping in my arms AH AH AH
- New (when I tell you that I change gradually, quietly, serenely, and this is all the more effective):no more plastic water bottles ! I bought this glass filter carafe (from without-bpa ) To filter Paris water (which tastes bad and is very chalky in my arrondissement anyway), I saw that he had two solutions (three if you count the one that consists of putting the water in the fridge several hours, which I say no to because I don't have the space and I don't like cold water)

1/ the coal:a little strange to see the "stick" wandering around, but the water really has no taste. Charcoal purifies water:it reduces chlorine, mineralizes water and balances its pH.
Cons:You have to change it every 6 months (and every 3 months you have to boil it once); A time of action is necessary:
– from 1 hour:correct action
– after 4 hours:better action
– after 8 hours:perfect action!
Finally, it is advisable not to drink water left more than 48 hours with activated carbon.

2/ purifying ceramic beads:on paper anyway:it's much simpler! I bought some too, I'm going to try, but I have to find myself a nice 1l glass carafe
15 pearls to purify 1 liter of water.
Neutralises harmful micro-organisms in tap water (chlorine, limestone and other traces of impurities).
30 minutes for 1 liter of water – 15 pearls for 1 liter of water.
Unlimited duration of use.
Next step:yogurts! We would like to push the exercise to the end, namely:no purchase of an electric yogurt maker. Imagine that you can make your yogurts without it! We found the blog that explains everything well. All that remains is to find the gear. What is not earned. But I'll let you know.
So what about you?