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5 rules for losing weight after your pregnancy

5 rules for losing weight after your pregnancy

Rebalance your diet lose weight after your pregnancy

Contents 1 Rebalance your diet lose weight after your pregnancy 2 Drink 3 Avoid low-calorie diets 4 Sport? Not an obligation but recommended 5 Don't think about it! 6 In summary

No more excess, you have no more excuses! Nutella, cheese or both together will be for the next pregnancy! But then does that mean what to eat to balance? In truth, that doesn't mean that you have to forbid everything, so nutella is ok, but not with every meal of course.

Eating a balanced diet is not complicated. Each of your plates should contain a little starch, a little protein and at least as many vegetables as everything else. For fat, well, it's all about balance. You need it, but not too much. Leave on a good tablespoon with each meal in the form of vegetable oil for example. Did you know that there are a whole lot of them that you may never have tasted? You probably know olive oil, but why not try grapeseed oil, flaxseed oil or rapeseed oil? They each have interesting micro-nutrients for your health, and therefore your weight loss. If you want to be sure to eat a balanced diet, you can call on an online dietician.


It's silly to say but your body only functions properly if it is well hydrated . Even slight dehydration and everything is turned upside down. Muscles work less well, nutrients are not transported to cells properly, you feel tired and your attention span decreases. A dehydration of 1% (350 ml for a woman of 60 kg) and it is immediately 10% less physical capacity! And if you work in slow motion, your basic metabolism slows down, you consume fewer calories:too bad, isn't it?

Avoid low-calorie diets

Low-calorie diets have proven themselves, at least for their failures. Know that if you embark on a low calorie diet at 1500 calories, 1200 calories or less (if it exists), well you will lose weight! Lots of weight too! In any case at the beginning, then you will start all over again in 95% of cases. The low-calorie diet is a bit like the shaping panties of the 21st century, you're thin when you put them on, but it's so unpleasant that you always end up taking them off. And once strangely removed, you regain all your pounds , or even more if you are one of the lucky ones!

5 rules for losing weight after your pregnancy

Sports? Not an obligation but recommended

Sport is of course recommended. But know thatweight loss requires a good diet . It is not uncommon to see people gaining weight through physical activity (or not losing it). We find excuses to eat a pastry here, or a fast food there. However, the sport ultimately consumes few calories. At least less than you might think. So play sports? Yes. But above all for your physical and mental health. Sport should not take you away from your good balanced diet.

Don't think about it!

Last rule and perhaps the most difficult to follow. Don't think about your weight. If you stress all day for those few extra pounds, your body will release cortisol, the stress hormone. This hormone has a bad habit of storing everything lying around in your body as an energy reserve. Worse, this hormone is the antagonist of the hormone needed to tap into your fat stores. In other words, as long as you are stressing your body will not be able to seek the energy it needs from your fat.

In summary

Try to have a healthy diet, but without deprivation. If you are hungry, eat. If you want to treat yourself once in a while, treat yourself. For weight loss, there is nothing worse than stress and frustration… and lack of water!