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7 steps to organize a surprise birthday party

7 steps to organize a surprise birthday party

Organize a surprise birthday party in 7 steps

Contents 1 1 – Prepare the guest list 2 2 – Find all the contacts of these guests 3 3 – Find a date 4 4 ​​– Make a kitty 5 5 – Find a gift 6 6 – Find the place 7 7 – Enjoy

Is it the birthday of your best friend, a member of your family or your better half soon?

This year you decided to mark the occasion by bringing together all your loved ones? You are right to be surrounded by those you love, it is priceless! Surprise birthdays often result in unforgettable moments for everyone involved. However, organizing a surprise birthday is not an easy task . You have to be patient, be well organized, and hold on until D-Day! Here is a little guide to not forgetting anything and to make a successful event !

7 steps to organize a surprise birthday party

1 – Prepare the guest list

First you need to list all the people you want to invite to this event. When it comes to the group of friends or family, it's quite simple, but it gets complicated when you decide to invite people that the person concerned has not seen for several years. …

2 – Find all contacts of these guests

You have your list, good! Now you have to find a way to get in touch with all these guests. Mails, telephone numbers, addresses… The important thing is that the message arrives at its destination. But be careful! If you're using social media to get in touch with guests you don't know well, know that it's easy to find out what your friends' friend additions have been, and sometimes a new relationship pops up in the feed. news. It would be a shame if you were exposed so soon! Internet is great 😉 Tools and platforms like MyFunnyDays allow you, using the email address, to invite acquaintances without being unmasked by social networks

3 – Find a date

The list, the contacts… We now have to set a date for the event. And it's not always easy to reconcile all schedules! Fortunately, the internet is great, and MyFunnyDays is a very simple and practical tool that offers a survey module to make sure that as many people as possible are present.

4 – Make a kitty

Several options are available to you for the organization of the evening. You can tell all the guests to bring drinks and snacks or you can prepare a buffet yourself, or even hire a caterer. As for the gift, same alternative:either everyone gets organized, or we increase the budget by creating a common kitty. Here again, thanks to the internet, new solutions exist! So type common kitty in Google, you will see.

5 – Find a gift

Whether you chose to buy a big gift with all the guests or chose to give her a personalized surprise, finding a gift is often a headache. What does he/she need? How to find an original idea? If we order online, will the gift arrive in time? You can think together with the guests and help yourself from the many forums and sites dedicated to finding the best gift.

6 – Find the place

You are almost there!! Now that you know how many you will be for this surprise birthday, on what date, for what budget... All you have to do is find the place to celebrate it! To limit the risks and to mark the occasion, organizing a surprise birthday party by planning group activities is a good alternative. Discover an "all-in-one" MyFunnyDays platform to organize an event simply and using dedicated tools:date and budget survey, online invitations and also a list of activities and workshops throughout France. proposed to animate your events. After finally having the list of participants taking into account all the parameters that you will have defined in advance. Surprise ! All you have to do is make your selection directly online, and send a reservation or quote request for the establishments that have caught your eye the most.

7 – Enjoy

D-Day has arrived! He/she doesn't suspect anything, you just had to take him/her out for a drink and... tadaa! Do not forget the camera to immortalize this moment, but above all, engrave these memories in your heads.