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Organize a family bike ride

Organize a family bike ride

As soon as the weather permits, we do not hesitate to leave the confined atmosphere of houses and apartments to indulge in family leisure activities outdoors. A short bike ride will satisfy both young and old.

Cycling is on the rise

Taken together in their obligations, or in their daily commitments, the children and the parents often do not spend much of their time together, except during the summer vacation periods. This is why all occasions are good to get together with the family. But what prevents you from creating these opportunities via a bike ride for example?

Not only will you change a bit from your usual environment to enjoy the great outdoors, but you will also spend some convivial moments with your family members. On Saturday or Sunday, when the weather is favorable for outings, get on your bikes and set off to explore your department, or even your region. In the heart of magnificent landscapes, one can easily cover about thirty kilometers without making great efforts.

You don't even have to wait for the sun to come out to practice this activity. You will be surprised how many families have already succumbed to it. Some even meet regularly for group hikes. In addition, whether in the mountains, in the forest, on the banks of rivers or in the countryside, there is no shortage of cycle paths.

Equip well

Organize a family bike ride

However, a two-wheeled ride requires a minimum of preparation, especially if you plan to do a lot of kilometres. And the thing not to do is to go on an adventure, especially for people who do not know the region very well. It is strongly advised to define a very specific itinerary in advance, knowing very well the kilometers to be covered, there and back. These circuit ideas can be found on the internet or by consulting the opinions and suggestions of Internet users on the forums.

Otherwise, there are also interactive maps. Mainly intended for cycling enthusiasts, the latter are real mines of information on the differences in altitude, the sloping routes, the secure routes... Afterwards, you have to take care of the bikes. Safety, comfort and ergonomics will be the watchwords. Here, since long journeys are planned, it is better to opt for hybrid bikes.

If you don't have one, you can rent one. It is the insurance of bicycles in very good condition. Otherwise, before the start, you must check the quality of the brakes, the inflation of the tires, the solidity of the saddles and the proper functioning of the gears. If small children are part of the trip, opt for a bike equipped with a trailer.