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My grandchildren do not get off their screens:how to manage?

My grandchildren do not get off their screens:how to manage?

According to a study conducted by the French Observatory of Drugs and Drug Addiction, adolescents aged 11 to 15 spend more than five hours a day in front of screens and those over 15, eight hours. The little ones are not left out because they are increasingly exposed to mobile phones, game consoles, etc. A situation that involves proven risks, particularly on the psychological and physical health of children. If the time spent in front of screens by children is a problem for a majority of parents, grandparents are also struck by the fact that their grandchildren do not take their screens off, especially when they have them on guard during holidays and that they would like to take advantage of these moments spent together in a different way.

Why help your grandchildren get off their screens?

The danger of overexposure to children's screens, and in particular toddlers, no longer needs to be demonstrated. Spending far too much time in front of a smartphone, tablet, computer, console, or television carries risks for the psychological and physical health of children, which can be serious.

A danger that particularly concerns your youngest grandchildren. Researchers have indeed found that 3-year-old children overexposed to screens have the greatest difficulty in communicating with the people around them, do not speak, are restless and very passive. In short, these children who do not pick up screens from an early age quickly present, for a certain number of them, behavioral disorders in terms of attention, language and behavior.

This is why most public health organizations in France, but also all over the world, recommend the non-exposure of children under 2 years old to all types of screens, no more than an hour for 2-5 year olds, 2 hours maximum for children over 5 years old, and as little as possible for older children.

Children who do not take off their screens do not generally spend more time occupying themselves with other stimulating activities (board games, outdoor games, physical activity, etc.), which are nevertheless necessary for their proper development. . Activities very often practiced with grandparents who have more time than their parents, especially when the children spend their holidays with their grandparents.

A few tips to get your grandchildren off their screens when they're on vacation with you

Even if your grandchildren spend time in front of screens, they don't just have bad sides, some even have creative and socializing qualities. It is therefore not a question of banishing them completely if you welcome your grandchildren to your home during school holidays, for example. Otherwise, you risk alienating your screen-addicted grandchildren!

The important thing is to accompany them in this type of activity and to be by their side as much as possible when they are in front of their smartphone, console, television screen, etc. The games they play in this way, or the videos they watch for example, can indeed be an opportunity to establish a dialogue with your grandchildren, to show that you are interested in their favorite pastime. Your grandchildren will be delighted with your understanding and the interaction thus set up may lead them to take their screens off to continue a conversation with you on a particular subject.

Accompanying your grandchildren who spend a lot of time on screens can also be an opportunity to choose with them (and discuss) the most appropriate film, show, video game, etc., on which you can exchange, to keep the link with your grandchildren. Thus, for your grandchildren, the screens can be integrated into an educational process or shared pleasure with their grandparents.

You can also decide to set up screen-free times for your grandchildren on vacation at your house. But if you do, it is necessary to plan for them other activities that they enjoy doing with you. This can be an opportunity to organize outdoor activities, for example a walk in the forest with them, a sports activity in the garden, a DIY, drawing or cooking workshop, a moment of relaxation during which you read them a story, a tale, to play board games, etc.

Encouraging your grandchildren to get off their screens requires offering them stimulating activities that they like to do especially with their grandparents.

Finally, if you want to take advantage of your grandchildren who are spending the holidays with you, show them the example by reviewing your senior habits with screens to make sure you don't spend time on your smartphone screen. , computer, or in front of your television! And make yourself available to them as much as possible.