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This will all change on July 1, 2021 for your wallet and yourself

Did you know that from 1 July you have to pay VAT and import duties for packages outside the EU? And that you pay a deposit on small bottles and that the alcohol law is being amended? Disposable plastic is also banned and you get a higher minimum wage and state pension. This will all change on July 1, 2021 for your wallet and yourself

Big changes ahead

The first half of 2021 is almost over and that means that all kinds of changes are on the way. Changes that affect your wallet   and yourself are invariably implemented on January 1 and July 1. This time there are quite a lot of changes, so here's an overview once again, so that you won't be faced with surprises.

This will all change on July 1, 2021 for your wallet and yourself

Below you will find an overview of all changes that will take effect from 1 July 2021 and will directly affect your wallet

  • Introduction of VAT obligation for parcels from countries outside the EU, also for parcels with a value of less than 22 euros
  • Introduction of deposit for small bottles
  • New alcohol law comes into effect
  • Minimum wage is increased
  • AOW and WIA and various other benefits will be increased
  • Rental increase free sector by a maximum of 2.4%
  • Valuation home more expensive thanks to new European rules
  • Variable energy contracts are becoming more expensive
  • Providers raise prices
  • Extension tax-free travel allowance
  • Tax must be paid again by entrepreneurs
  • Negative savings interest above EUR 100,000
  • Withdrawing money costs money at certain banks
  • Telecom law changes:do not call register disappears
  • Practical key C driving license changes

Introduction of VAT obligations for parcels from countries outside the EU

Where you can now order unlimited packages from Aliexpress, Shein or Wish at no extra cost, if the value is less than 22 euros, this will change with effect from July 1, 2021. From that moment you pay VAT for ALL packages from outside the EU and import duties. This also applies to packages with a value of less than 22 euros.

You can only prevent this by choosing delivery from an EU country. You already have this option at Aliexpress. Knowing more? Click here.

Introduction of deposit for small bottles

Until now you only paid on large bottles of deposit in the Netherlands. This will change from 1 July 2021. From that moment on you also pay a deposit (15 cents on all bottles under 1 liter) on small bottles. Because the importation has already started, it is possible that you already pay a deposit. So pay attention to this when shopping.

New alcohol law takes effect

The new alcohol law will also come into effect on 1 July. This entails many changes. From now on you can no longer order drinks when you do your shopping online at the supermarket. The discount that may be given on alcohol will also be reduced to a maximum of 25% of the price. In addition, you can be fined 435 euros if you buy/pass on alcohol to a minor (under the age of 18).

Minimum wage is increased

A nice windfall for everyone:the minimum wage is being increased. Unfortunately, you don't have to count yourself rich, but every little bit helps. The exact increases for each age group and other conditions can be found here.

AOW and WIA and various other benefits will be increased

Along with the increase in the minimum wage, the AOW, WIA and other benefits will also be adjusted. Again, it is not about very big changes, but about a few tens. Curious about the exact amounts? You will find these in this overview.

Rent increase free sector by a maximum of 2.4%

Good news for everyone in the social rental sector:the rent may not be increased this year! Unfortunately, this does not apply to people who rent in the free sector. In the free sector, the rent may be increased by a maximum of 2.4%. In addition, there is no limit to the service costs. A homeowner may increase this at his own discretion. However, the landlord must provide insight into the how and why.

Valuation home more expensive thanks to new European rules

Thanks to new European rules that will apply from 1 July, it can just happen that the valuation of a home is considerably more expensive. This has everything to do with the model-based appraisals that are required for applying for a mortgage for a home with equity. There is a good chance that appraisals will cost up to 350 euros more. Knowing more? Click here.

Variable energy contracts are becoming more expensive

In general, energy prices have risen in recent months, partly due to the cold spring. This means that energy bills will be adjusted, as is already the case with contracts that are fixed for a longer period. It is estimated that an average household can count on an increase of 200 euros per year.

Providers raise prices

Not only energy prices are going up, TV and internet providers are also making a change and raising prices with effect from 1 July. The increases at Ziggo and KPN are limited to a maximum of 20 euros on an annual basis. Other providers are also increasing the prices, although it is not yet entirely clear by how much the prices will be increased.

Extension tax-free travel allowance

Because many people still work from home, the rule for tax-free travel allowance is extended for the third time. This arrangement applies until October 1, 2021. Because many employers have seen the usefulness of working from home, the cabinet is working on new rules. These rules should make it possible to reimburse employees tax-free working from home costs.

Tax must be paid again by entrepreneurs

Because of Corona, the pressure was taken off the shoulders of entrepreneurs by deferring the payment of taxes. Would you like to have a postponement? Then you can request this until June 30. As of July 1, tax will have to be paid again by entrepreneurs. Incidentally, you do not have to worry about any accumulated tax debt. You only have to pay this from October 1, 2022. You will also have 5 years to do so.

Negative savings interest above EUR 100,000

Interest rates at most banks have been at zero or almost nothing for a long time. This is also changing, but in the negative sense. For anyone with a capital of 100,000 or 150,000 in the bank, negative interest must be paid. This is approximately 0.5% of your total savings balance.

You can easily get around this by opening an account with a savings account at different banks. Fortunately, there are also other ways to save money.

Withdrawing money costs money at certain banks

It has been in the news more often recently, but from 1 July, certain banks will be subject to the withdrawal of money. Incidentally, this only applies when you have gone over the limit. At ABN AMRO, for example, you can continue to withdraw up to EUR 12,500 per year without extra costs.

This has everything to do with the fact that people want to work towards the disappearance of the normal euro as we know it. This should be replaced by the digital euro.

Telecom law changes:do not call register disappears

Are you also crazy about all kinds of companies that call you at the most impossible times for all kinds of contracts and offers? As of July 1, things will also change in the field of telecom. For example, the do not call register disappears. This will be replaced by the opt-in option. This means that you must have given specific permission to be called or that there is already a customer-supplier relationship. In addition, companies are no longer allowed to call with an anonymous number.

Would you like to know more about the new telecom law? Detailed information can be found here.

Practical test C driving license changes

Are you working on getting your C driving license (truck)? Then a few changes await you too. The practical test is being adjusted. From now on, this will no longer take 30 minutes, but 60. This has everything to do with the fact that more tests are being done. You can read exactly what will change here.

Now that you know that various increases are coming, it is good to take this into account. Even when money comes in, for example with child benefit. The child benefit has already been increased on January 1, 2021.