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Let's be familiar:the first intergenerational site to create family ties

What if we built another family, the heart one? While 4 out of 10 French people no longer have contact with their families and loneliness has doubled in 4 years (2014 figures from the Fondation de France), Anne-Sophie Renaudineau, a young Breton entrepreneur, launched "Familions-nous", a brand new cross-generational social network open to everyone.

The idea? "To recreate a family bond, not based on blood, but on the heart" by allowing Internet users to "meet a father, a sister, or a grandmother of heart", tells us the site. “Of course it is always better to try to heal the wounds in your own family, but it is clear that this is not always possible. And in this case, it seems essential to me to be able to find another solution rather than just suffering,” explains Anne-Sophie Renaudineau.

For this, it's very simple:once registered, the Internet user creates his profile and can thus search for his parent of heart who best corresponds to his expectations. As soon as he wishes to get in touch and converse with the person of his choice, the offer becomes payable" (for more serious and really motivated requests).

> Several types of subscriptions are possible, from 8 to 14€ per month depending on the duration chosen.
