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Become a super grandpa or a super granny!

Become a super grandpa or a super granny!

You and your grandchildren are madly in love! Only here, children grow up or live far away and it is not always easy to know how to preserve this precious bond. The current Coronavirus epidemic and the resulting containment are not helping the reports. Want to keep the relationship you have with your grandchildren intact but you're lacking inspiration? Here are our ideas for creating and keeping a rock-solid bond with your grandchildren and not isolating yourself during this time of confinement.

A privileged relationship

How long are the days when grandparents and grandchildren lived under the same roof and shared their daily lives. Today, with the increased number of divorces and blended families, the two generations are often far apart. What has not changed, however, is the importance of the bond that unites them.

The child needs to know that he has grandparents on whom he can count, especially when the parents separate and the landmarks change. This reassures him and enriches his affectivity. Spending time with the grandparents helps him form an identity and find his place in the genealogy.

On the grandparent side, the benefits are numerous too. Children, often very affectionate and curious, are a real breath of fresh air in the daily routine. They allow you to feel useful, to transmit knowledge but also to remain open to the world ‒ what child hasn't shown their grandpa or grandma how to use a smartphone! ?

Grandpa, grandma:five ideas to be on top with the grandchildren

You know the saying? Out of sight out of mind. Here are our ideas for maintaining a quality relationship.

Join young people’s favorite social networks

To impress your teenagers, and above all not to miss anything of their daily life, it is impossible to ignore social networks:Snapchat, Instagram, TikTok. You will share your most beautiful photos and videos there, and can even chat with their friends.

Create a blog to share moments of life with your grandchildren

If you do not want to publish your daily life on social networks, know that there are blog platforms to share photos with loved ones. You can load photo albums, videos, write a note for your guests, keep a logbook, etc. Creating a blog is done in minutes, without technical knowledge. Ideal for protecting your family's privacy and sharing your last trip to Marrakech only with your loved ones.

Make video calls on Skype or Whatsapp

More interactive than a simple phone call, the video call is great for maintaining this special bond that unites grandparents and grandchildren. Even more playful:propose to prepare a cooking recipe together. Send your darlings a list with the necessary ingredients and make the recipe together step by step. Remember, of course, the good advice of grandmother. It's ready ? Have fun tasting it at the same time.

Record yourself telling stories

Read his favorite tale in your most beautiful voice and ask the parents to pass these voice notes to your little one before sleeping. This will allow him to stay familiar with your voice and allow you to accompany him to dreamland.

Email and text to stay in touch

Be innovative! Send him funny videos, songs he might like, a puzzle from a family photo. Ask him to take up a challenge to win... a surprise weekend with you.

A single watchword to stay united:anticipation

Being a granny or grandpa present also means knowing how to organize in advance. Are you going to welcome your little treasures for a weekend or a vacation? Find out about the means of transport available. The Air France Kids Solo service accompanies minors aged 4 to 17 traveling alone. Similarly, the SNCF offers a Junior &Cie support service for children aged 4 to 14. Throughout the trip, they are accompanied by a team of professional entertainers and take part in games and creative workshops.

Want to know where your grandchild is in real time?

The Junior &Cie application allows you to be informed in real time of any changes (delay, another meeting point at the station, etc.) but also to know who your grandchild is having fun with on board the train.

Before their arrival, plan the activities and find out about the courses organized according to their tastes. The or sites help you find all the family entertainment near you. Horse riding, diving, cycling, sailing, artistic activities, combat sports... Use your imagination and don't hesitate to suggest original activities. You'll be a serious senior in the game!

Grandchildren grow up very quickly. Yesterday, you discovered them at the maternity ward. Today they have a smartphone and accounts on all social networks. Quick, hurry up! Use and abuse our ideas to be present in their daily lives and create a unique bond.