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100 ideas for teaching grammar differently

100 ideas for teaching grammar differently

Grammar is often a daunting subject for children who wonder what it can be used for. "Teachers often feel like they don't have a perfect grasp of the material. They then cling to the reassuring, well-defined framework of school grammar, which offers clean, handpicked examples, and sometimes adapted texts to justify the established rules, "says Brigitte Mahillon, French teacher, who has just published with France Tillieu, school teacher, "100 ideas for teaching grammar differently" published by Tom Pousse.

Contents 1 The fruit of 30 years of research 2 Dissecting the language to better understand it 3 Example Extract The subject of the verb/ verb/ complement of the verb 4 Parents' blog review “100 ideas for teaching grammar differently” 5 Where to find the book:“ 100 ideas for teaching grammar differently” 5.1 **** 5.2 Are you tempted by this approach?

A book intended for teachers, speech therapists or parents wishing to accompany children aged 8 to 14 in their discovery of the language. A practical work comprising 100 sessions, all experienced in class!

As a child, I was never very good in grammar and even today, you can't say that I master it perfectly... I find that learning French is very complicated with all the rules that exist.

Today, this book is treasured on my shelves. If there's a problem, I'll flip through it. It explains things in a more modern and simple way than my “grammar besherelle” in red.

The fruit of 30 years of research

This book condenses thirty years of research, experimentation and practice by the authors. Much research and testing went into the development of this book.

100 ideas for teaching grammar differently

Unpacking the language to better understand it

With France Tillieu, in their work, they lead all the children in a class to understand grammar and not to learn it by heart. Stupidly what I did when I was young…. They invite them to discover the mechanisms of language by "manipulating" sentences and texts. The children cut out, mime, draw, transform, permute, erase, compare, build, deconstruct. They formulate hypotheses, verify them. They read, write "in the manner of"...
The sessions contained in the book constitute a phase of discovery. They must then be enriched by a phase of synthesis, and by a lot of practice before the teacher teaches the children the terminology

Excerpt example The subject of the verb/ verb/ complement of the verb

Each child chooses an action verb and draws it on a sheet. On the back of it, he writes the shortest sentence possible to summarize his sketch. It surrounds the verb. Everyone shows their drawing. The others must guess the chosen verb. The teacher then asks what the child has drawn to express the verb. Little observers note that the verb does not take shape. That to express it, you have to draw who is doing the action and most often what the action is about. They thus grasp the construction of a minimal sentence.

Parents' blog review “100 ideas for teaching grammar differently”

Where to find the book:“100 ideas for teaching grammar differently”

On Amazon:link here


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