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One Day Fertility Test – Parly 2 Hospital

One Day Fertility Test – Parly 2 Hospital

Private Hospital of Parly 2 – Le Chesnay (78) offers an evaluation of the fertility of both members of the couple on a single day, an initiative that has never been seen before.

Contents 1 The private hospital of Parly 2 – Le Chesnay (78) offers an evaluation of the fertility of both members of the couple on a single day, an initiative that has never been seen before. 1.1 Reduced delays in accessing fertility diagnosis 1.2 “One Day Test Fertility”:the typical day When a couple decides to conceive a child, concerns can arise after a few months of unsuccessful attempts. In this case, it is sometimes necessary to carry out a fertility check-up which generally includes several appointments spread over a fortnight. The Private Hospital of Parly 2 – Le Chesnay (78) now offers its patients the possibility of grouping together all consultations and examinations on a single day. This “One Day Test Fertility” initiative for the couple is unprecedented, and was currently only offered to women.

The “One Day Fertility Test” was designed on a double observation. On the one hand, the first pregnancy occurs increasingly later in women, while age is an essential factor in fertility. On the other hand, a prolonged period of infertility accentuates the anxiety of couples about their physiological capacity to have a child. The objective of grouping all the consultations and additional examinations on a single day is to simplify access to this assessment for these couples.

Reducing delays in accessing fertility diagnosis

The Private Hospital of Parly 2 – Le Chesnay (78), a Medicine-Surgery-Obstetrics (MCO) establishment of the Ramsay Générale de Santé group, the leading pan-European group of local care and private hospitalization, is strongly involved in the management of fertility problems. Its Center for Medical Assistance to Procreation (AMP) has been in existence for 25 years and its success rate for assisted reproduction is 23.8%, all causes and ages combined, which ranks it first among private centers on the island. de-France (the national average being 20.5%).

In order to continue to best support its patients in their parenthood projects, the Private Hospital of Parly 2 – Le Chesnay now offers a “One Day Fertility Test”.

This appointment, which is intended to simplify the course of care for patients, allows them to group in a single day the consultations and medical examinations they need to assess their fertility . Patients must first complete a health questionnaire (available from February 15, 2019 on the site of the ART center of the private hospital of Parly 2 – Le Chesnay).

After analysis of the questionnaire by one of the doctors on the team, the patients are directed to a consultation with a specialist in Medically Assisted Procreation, if a pathology is already suspected, or registered for the “One Day Fertility Test”. A coordinating secretary is then responsible for organizing the meetings that will take place from March 25, 2019, with all the health professionals on a single day.

“One Day Test Fertility”:the typical day

The patient arrives on an empty stomach in the morning for a blood test (including the various hormonal assays and pre-conception serologies). Patients are then seen for consultation by one of the doctors at the ART centre. Depending on the information gathered during the interview and the clinical examination, the healthcare professional prescribes the necessary additional examinations (sperm count, pelvic ultrasound, and, in the event of suspected tubal abnormalities, hysterosalpingography or HyFoSy). Additional care is also offered according to the profile of each patient, such as care by a tobacco specialist (in the event of smoking), a nutritionist (in the event of overweight or eating disorders), or a psychologist in the event of stress related to the expectation of pregnancy.

At the end of the day, a report detailing the fertility profile as well as personalized advice for conception is given during a “return” consultation with the gynecologist specialist in fertility. The results of the examinations are then transmitted to the attending physician and to the patient within one week. In the event of anomalies found in the “One Day Test Fertility” assessment, they are offered to consult a specialist practitioner for further investigation.