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Love:find out why the month of September is very scary for couples

Is it the summer holidays that have exhilarated the mind too much, a wild desire to counter the back-to-school blues or the conjunction of the two to which would be added marital wear and the traces left in the mind by confinement? trying, the fact is that according to Gleeden, the month of September rhymes more than ever this year with… infidelity.

The specialist in extra-marital dating has indeed noted an increase in activity of + 472% on its site over the week of August 31 to September 06 compared to a so-called classic week. 64% of those questioned admitted having seen their lover/mistress the first week of the school year.

Infidelity:why such a big spike in September?

The answer:2020! The year has indeed not been an easy year for couples. In a poll conducted by Gleeden last April, 70% of unfaithful people claimed to argue more with their partner since confinement. The causes mentioned were:household chores (67%), children (55%), lack of privacy (43%) and lack of attention (36%). How about lowering the stats by pampering your lover?

Note, moreover, that if your partner is Sagittarius, be a little more suspicious, it is indeed the most unfaithful astro sign according to another study already carried out by Gleeden.