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The nice initiative of the Soldiers of Peace, a militia of hearts

At the head of this militia, Julien Carpentier, a 32-year-old young man who defines himself on his twitter profile as “ Eater of stones. Author for people and director of stuff for French TV and the internet. »

His project ? Show that everywhere in Paris, Soldiers of Peace and Love circulate. And spread a message of appeasement through heart balloons after the atrocities committed on November 13.

It was the day after the attacks that he had the idea of ​​the Soldiers of Peace. After spending, like many of us, his night in front of the non-stop news channels, he woke up wanting to turn these horrible visions into something positive. "The urge to divert the terrifying lexical field of terrorism like the 'explosive belt' into something soothing. »

Julien Carpentier first went to photograph traders in his neighborhood – the 11th – which was affected by the attacks. The florist, the kebab, the hairdresser with a belt of hearts. Then the movement spread. Spontaneously, Parisians asked him to participate in the project. In these photographs, the latter carry out everyday actions that are all very banal. And that is what makes his project even more authentic, even more beautiful. A man playing petanque, a woman reading in a park, another waiting for her bus and many others… All armed with a belt of hearts. For the moment, Julien does not intend to stop:“As long as I am called upon, I will continue to photograph French people with this belt of peace. »

To receive this message of love and appeasement, find these photographs on Facebook or Instagram. To be photographed and join this militia of hearts, you can contact Les Soldats de Paix by email:[email protected]